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The Returning EX (John and Sophia) novel Chapter 1372

John turned around and closed the door before walking over to the bed. This time, he spoke slightly louder and slower to ensure that Sophia could hear him loud and clear. “I said, let’s get a divorce.” Her gaze followed him until he stood by the bed, looking down at her.

He’d initially thought that there’d be a hint of panic and anxiety in her eyes, but surprisingly, she merely looked at him, her gaze even more placid than his tone earlier. Since she didn’t answer him, he asked, “Did you hear me?”

Sophia nodded. “I did.” Then, she put her cell phone away. “Have you discussed this with your family?”

To be honest, John didn’t discuss this with anyone, nor did he think this out in advance. However, he still replied, “Yes. They’ve all agreed.”

Sophia looked thoughtfully at him. “So, you’re here to inform me, yes?”

Heaving a sigh, John reassured her by saying, “Don’t worry. I’ll compensate you generously. I’ll give you whatever amount you want.”

Sophia was silent for a while. In response, she didn’t mention the matter of money, merely nodding. “Okay, I agree.”

Actually, this reaction of hers was also within his expectation. After all, a broken marriage was torturous to both parties. Despite knowing that she was reluctant to give up on this marriage, he was also aware that she was likewise unhappy and miserable in this marriage. Thus, he often told himself back then that a divorce was good for them both, for it would set them both free.

Never had he thought that she’d change into an entirely different person after the divorce, suddenly taking on attributes he loved. The Sophia who was timid, apprehensive, and cautious in her speech had ceased to exist with the collapse of their first marriage. The Sophia who was then reborn was one he could no longer hold onto. For that reason, he had to pay the price for the wrong choices he’d made in his first marriage. He knew that it served him right since he was blind in the past and had wronged her.

However, he didn’t want to tell anyone about this experience, so he snickered when Logan asked about it. “Why are you asking about this? Do you want to learn from me?”


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