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The Returning EX (John and Sophia) novel Chapter 1431

The elderly man was ecstatic, insisting that they could sign the lease anytime.

Ian hesitated for a moment. Both he and Cindy could no longer stand the house with a single room and a living room, so he blurted, “If possible, I prefer signing the contract today and moving in tomorrow.”

Eager to have them confirm the lease, the elderly man instantly said sure, repeating it thrice to portray his sincerity. Thus, Ian and the elderly man handled the signing of the contract.

Cindy, on the other hand, took another round in the house and briefly studied the layout. When she was done, she could almost picture living here now.

By noon, Ian and the elderly man had already signed the contract. In the afternoon, Ian went to record a relatively short show, so they arrived home in the evening. Cindy packed everything. Since the movers would be coming early the next morning, many things had to be sorted out on this day. For that reason, they ordered takeaway for dinner. After eating, they spent the rest of the time packing up. When everything was done, Cindy then cleaned the house. As this house was assigned to Ian by the company, it’d be returned to the company upon moving out, so she naturally had to clean the place.

Ian initially wanted to help, but Cindy found him more of a trouble than help, so she waved a dismissive hand. “It’s okay. I can manage by myself. You go and sit there. Don’t wander around.”

Very much obedient, Ian went to the sofa and sat down cross-legged. Then, he turned on the television. Washed fruits were on the coffee table, so he snagged an apple and bit into it. Then, he looked at the item in his hand before shifting his gaze to the fruit platter on the coffee table. She’s really taking good care of me.


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