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The Returning EX (John and Sophia) novel Chapter 1433

Nonetheless, the assistant still envied Cindy. “Although you’ve got a lot to do, it’s just different. You’re dating while working, yet I’m only working, so I’ve got no motivation.”

Cindy patted her on the shoulder. “Think of money. When there’s money, there’s motivation.”

The assistant shook her head. “I don’t have much of a desire for money now.”

All of a sudden, Cindy envied her. How I wish that I too won’t have much of a desire for money one day! After all, one would only have no desire for something because one already has it. I wonder when I’ll have enough resources to support me that I no longer have any desire for money.

It was only when Ian came over did the assistant leave.

Ian glanced at the assistant. “You’re acquainted with her?”

Cindy nodded. “Just got acquainted a while ago. Thanks to you, my popularity has gone up, so people take the initiative to strike up a conversation with me.”

Ian chuckled. “Well, get used to it. You might even debut in the future.”

The two of them could joke around now since their relationship was much closer than before. They then left the studio while chatting and laughing as they returned to the house. Thereafter, Ian truly put his words into action by helping Cindy to move the furniture. Cindy, on the other hand, took up the task of cleaning the house. Despite the house having two rooms and a living room, it was actually not particularly big. Furthermore, it was relatively clean to begin with, so it wasn’t all that tiring to clean.

They were done in no time. Ian’s room had an attached bathroom, so he went back to his room for a shower. Meanwhile, Cindy washed up outside and started cooking lunch when she was done. Ian then sauntered out and meandered into the kitchen. After a moment’s contemplation, he took the spring onions at the side. “I’ll help to chop the onions.”

Cindy didn’t even look at him. “Sure.” After they’d both cleaned the house, she was now accustomed to him helping her.

When Ian was done with the onions, he moved on to the garlic before helping to wash the vegetables as well, rendering his services for all the prep work. In the end, Cindy cut the vegetables and cooked, finding the entire process smoother than usual.

When they were eating, Ian truly took out a piece of paper and handed it to Cindy. “This is the menu I came up with. If there’s anything you like, you can also add them in. Just pick a few dishes from here each day.”


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