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The Returning EX (John and Sophia) novel Chapter 190

Sophia didn’t leave the house for the day, spending the afternoon preparing for her driving test. There were a lot of questions that she had a hard time understanding, so she took to the Internet for help.

An entire afternoon was spent in the study before she stood to stretch herself. In fact, she did a good job to upkeep her mentality, so she was now without the chagrin she used to feel.

What happened last night wasn’t a big deal, as she merely slept with someone whom she had slept with for many times, but ultimately, the number of times she did it was inconsequential.

When it was about time, she went downstairs to cook a meal. The door opened as soon as dinner was ready, while Sophia could see from the corner of her eyes that John was back. The time of day indicated that he must have returned from work, but it was in fact rare for him to be this punctual.

He already saw Sophia in the kitchen as soon as he entered, but the sight of her didn’t deter him. After taking his shoes off, he toured around the living room for a bit before arriving at the kitchen. He was wearing a calm expression, as well as maintaining his usual tone as he asked, “Do you need help?”

“No, dinner will soon be ready.” She didn’t even look his way while giving her response, but when he left to wash his hands, she gave a sigh.

To pretend that nothing happened seemed to be the right way to go about things, and Sophia felt like they had found a middleground to deal with the incident. Neither of them spoke during dinner, which was how they treated each other on a daily basis, as they never communicated outside of important matters.

The phone which John left on the table while dining lit up when he was almost finished with his meal. John cast a glance at it without actively reaching out to read what was on the screen, nor did he say a word, allowing the screen to dim out again gradually.

It wasn’t until he finished his meal leisurely did he take his phone. “Leave the dishes after you’re done. I’ll come get them in a bit.”


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