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The Returning EX (John and Sophia) novel Chapter 192

Sophia went on a trip in the mall out of boredom despite not having anything in mind that she wanted to buy, as she merely wanted to be in a crowd.

There weren’t a lot of people in the mall since it was office hours, which meant a lot of people were at work. She headed to a jewelry shop after some thought, as she figured she needed a ring around her finger.

There were even lesser people in the shop when Sophia made her way into it. She told the attendant who came up to her with much enthusiasm in a blunt manner that she needed a ring, so the attendant motioned for her to follow her into the shop. “Over here please, Madam.”

They just arrived at the display counter for rings when her phone rang with a call from Ian, which she picked up immediately. “Aren’t you busy? Why’d you have time for me?”

“It’s almost noon now, so I’d like to know where you are, and if you would like to have lunch with me.” Ian was chuckling over the call.

When Sophia checked the time, it was exactly like what he said, for it was indeed noon time, so she grunted in assent before telling him her location. “I seem to be around where your office is, so do you want to come over here?”

What she said was true, so Ian agreed to it while telling her to wait for him. She checked out the ring she had after hanging up, only to decide that she would prefer a plain one rather than a flamboyant one since she needed to do her own cooking and cleaning.

After that, she tried out a few rings, but she still had a hard time coming to a final decision, as the more she looked, the more indecisive she was getting. It was fortunate for her that the shop attendant was extremely patient as she allowed her to try on almost every single ring in the shop.

Ian arrived before she could decide on one. Upon pushing the door open, he scanned his surroundings to see Sophia at the innermost section of the shop, then he approached her while asking, “Are you planning to buy some jewelry?”

Sophia nodded after glancing at him. “Yeah, as someone noted that I wasn’t wearing a ring a few days ago, so I figured I needed one.”

Being privy of her situation, Ian understood why she would need to do so. He glanced at the counter while asking, “Did you not see one that you like?”


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