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The Returning EX (John and Sophia) novel Chapter 206


There was a small private room specifically reserved for Logan to dine in. Following the lead of the waiter, Sophia examined the rooms one by one when she passed by them, but luck wasn’t on her side, as she didn’t encounter any instances during which a waiter would open the doors to any of the rooms. The doors to the rooms remained sealed even as they arrived at the room reserved for Logan, into which Sophia entered while pouting.


When they were ordering their food, Logan was restless throughout the entire process. He held the menu in his hands while introducing each dish to Sophia and Robin with much attentiveness, which made for even better service than the waiters.


Sophia was amused by his antics as she replied, “You can order whatever you want. You will be paying for the meal anyway.”

There was a pause as Logan glanced at Sophia before wearing a smile on his face. “You sure cut to the chase!” He then ordered a few dishes straight away without even looking at the menu, then he stood up while he said, “I would prefer to pick out the seafood that we will be served.”

The waiter quickly opened the door for him. “This way, Young Master Jefferson.”

It was after Logan had left the room in his pajamas that Sophia pursed her lips. “Ian, your friend seems like a nice person.”

Her remark was met by a smile on Ian’s face. “That’s just how Logan is. He sure is nice.”

It had been a while since Logan left, but he had yet to return, which was getting on Sophia’s nerves. “What’s going on? Did he run away? Did he just leave us here after ordering all those dishes?”


While Sophia was joking, Ian went along with it, “That might very well be the case.”

Thus, she stood up. “I’ll go get him.”

Ian nodded. “Go on.” Then, she was gone by the next instant.


There was an area for which the customers could pick out the live seafood that they wished to be served. Sophia spotted Logan as soon as she arrived at the area, whom she approached while wearing a frown. “Logan, it’s been quite some time since you left, so are you planning to wait until they grow any bigger before you pick them out?”



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