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The Returning EX (John and Sophia) novel Chapter 331

Judging from the missed calls and messages, Sophia knew another round of rumors must have broken out on the internet again.

After reading all her messages, she went on to browse the internet for the news articles, and she found herself plastered everywhere.

As per her expectation, the Constances had announced their divorce.

The announcement came with the picture of the divorce certificate, the date on which was amended.

Needless to say, it had caused a great stir among the public.

The moment she noticed the staggering amount of comments below the post of the news article, she already lost interest in reading them because it might take her forever to finish all of them.

However, she must say that the news article was written in quite a neutral and unbiased tone.

In the article, it was pointed out that they had decided to separate from each other not because their relationship had turned sour, but because they couldn’t be on the same page regarding certain aspects in life. Thinking that they would be giving each other a hard time by staying married, they thought it would be better to let each other go while their relationship was still friendly.

In fact, many would find the explanation acceptable considering that Sophia and John indeed came from totally different backgrounds.

Hence, it went without saying that it would be difficult for them to live together harmoniously.

For some reason, Sophia thought about the time John and her went out to have lunch.

She had been very uptight throughout the meal at the restaurant right from the moment she walked in until she left. Before their food arrived, she dared not even pour herself a glass of water infused with lemon at the table because she was worried it was there for her to wash her hands.

In fact, she had long forgotten what she had eaten then because she was too nervous to be able to fully enjoy the food, but she could still remember how apprehensive and uneasy she felt.

John was very composed during the meal because he was very used to having meals in those kinds of restaurants which Sophia found foreign.

In fact, she had already realized then that there was a culture gap between them that was too huge for her to bridge.

They were fated to be that way since they were born because they had been living in two different worlds before they married each other.

She was always diffident when she was with John because she had not seen as much of life as he did.

Although she had deliberately packed up the leftovers at the dinner where they decided to get a divorce just to piss John off, she would have still done the same thing any other time because she just couldn’t stand to be so wasteful.


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