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The Returning EX (John and Sophia) novel Chapter 347

Isabelle looked extremely weary and even a touch dispirited. The Baileys were waiting in the meeting room, so William and John hurried over. When Isabelle spotted John, she sprang to her feet at once. At the side, Old Mr. Bailey chided, “Belle.” Seemingly snapping back to her senses, she slowly sat back down with mild embarrassment. The moment John came in, he immediately found a seat and sat down without even sparing her a single glance.

On the other hand, the police questioned Sophia for a bit before the entire matter was dropped. It wasn’t her who made the police report, so she merely said she wasn’t quite sure what had happened, and the two police officers didn’t ask further.

When they’d left, she sat on the sofa for a long time before she remembered something. I’d better revoke John’s access to this place. Putting aside what Matilda thinks, I myself don’t want to have anything to do with the Constance Family anymore in the future.

After cleaning the mess in the living room from the altercation earlier, she then went upstairs and sprawled on the bed. Rolling about, she then took out her cell phone and looked at the news reports on the Internet.

Truthfully speaking, she did contemplate speaking up on behalf of John. The sooner this matter blows over, the sooner my life can get back on track. If this matter hangs in the balance, it’ll affect me as well.

But Matilda is truly impudent! How dare she come and order me around? Did she think the title of the most senior Mrs. Constance is a free pass that is effective everywhere? Pah!

After this confrontation, I’m more inclined to bad-mouth John on the Internet. Sophia inhaled deeply. However, it was quite a delight to hit her earlier. I’ve finally vented all the resentment bottled within me!

Picking at random, she glanced through two news reports. The contents were mainly still the same, but this time, they brought up John and Isabelle’s engagement in the past. She actually had no idea what exactly happened between the two of them back then.


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