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The Returning EX (John and Sophia) novel Chapter 552

To Sophia’s surprise, Ian called her not long after the message was sent, so she hurriedly picked it up.

With a smile, Ian called out, “Sophia.”

After a pause, Sophia replied, “I thought you were taking a rest.”

“Not yet. I was just talking to Lorraine about the next round of the show.”

The conversation should have gone really well, as Ian’s voice sounded delightful, which disrupted Sophia’s readiness to ask her question. Now, she didn’t think she could ask him about it in a serious manner.

After a grunt, she said, “I watched the show. Your performance was excellent.”

Having watched the television show as well, Ian replied, “I performed normally. But honestly, I was terrified that I would be out of tune.”

Sophia licked her lips. “But on the show, you…”

Knowing what she wanted to say, Ian giggled and said, “You want to ask about what I said on the show, right?”

Sophia gave a guttural grunt.

Ian let out a sigh. “During the training, the program director told us that each contestant would find a partner and sing together. To make it interesting for the audience, we were asked to be really close to the partner to spice up the show. When Lorraine told me about it, I didn’t like the idea. So, I decided to tell the audience that I have a girlfriend so that I won’t be bogged down by gossip in the future. I hope that my singing skills will speak for myself.”

Sophia didn’t really understand all this, but she knew that it was the norm these days to create some gossip for the contestants. Slightly relieved, she mumbled, “I see.”

Ian chuckled. “Don’t feel pressured. It’s no big deal.”

That is going to take a long time. Without anything else to say, Sophia told him that he had her support.


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