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The Returning EX (John and Sophia) novel Chapter 625

Alongside the head of the village and his secretary, a few other families came for the meal as well. Although they got themselves some alcohol. John turned down their offer to drink, as he might need to be driving later, which managed to stop the villagers from persuading him to drink.

Meanwhile, Sophia was shown to her seat, but her stomach was churning as soon as she smelled the aroma of the chicken dish. Considering the occasion, she decided she should push her queasiness down even though all she wanted to do was throw up.

As soon as everybody had arrived, the feast began. The villagers were in a jolly mood while they chatted, telling John that they had been wanting to pave the roads, but with how poor and how few people they had, they never managed to gather up enough funds to do that. Going with the flow of the conversation, John suggested that the younger men in the village should head out in search of other jobs, as farming wouldn’t sustain them.

Upon hearing what he said, the people of the older generation heaved a sigh. “We wanted to do things that way too, but there aren’t a lot of jobs for us around here. If the young’uns move too far away, there won’t be anybody left to tend to the lands since the only ones left will be the children and old folks like us. It would be a waste of time if we ended up not having any crops to sustain ourselves, nor were the young’uns earning enough while working away from the village.”

What the old man said reminded Sophia of those times when she used to help her grandfather farm their land, which was tough work, to say the least. After giving it some thought, she said, “Actually, there is something that I’ve been hesitating to tell you. If you’d like to do so, John and I can bring a few people with us when we leave. I know a manager who needs some people to work on some manual labor in a small company. Other than their salary, food and accommodation will also be provided to the workers. If anybody is interested to come with us, they can bring their family along.”

John turned to look at Sophia with a smile. “Yeah, so you can think about it. Anybody who would like to leave can come with us.”

When they heard what Sophia and John said, the villagers were keen to go. Not only would they be provided with food and accommodation, they could also bring their family along. Those without an elderly person in the family could just leave the village right away. Sophia heaved a sigh while recalling those times when the villagers helped her out when her grandfather passed away, so she considered the gesture as repayment to their kindness.

The meal proceeded in an increasingly jolly atmosphere, but before they finished their meal, someone came running in from outside. “Sophia, you have to hurry! You have a guest at home!”

Another guest? Sophia thought with a frown. It was Buddy who reported the news, but he had a glum look on his face. “You should go check it out. It’s your father who came.”


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