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The Returning EX (John and Sophia) novel Chapter 633

Zack was on his way to get the car, but he stopped as soon as he heard someone calling out to him. Startled by Matilda’s presence, he said, “Oh, it’s you. What’s the matter? Are you in need of something?”

With a smile on her face, Matilda asked, “Is John not in the company? He didn’t pick up my calls during these past two days, nor did I see him after waiting here for such a long time.”

Zack let out a grunt before replying, “My boss had left for a few days, so he hasn’t been in the company. I think he has a weak signal over where he was, which was why he didn’t pick up your calls.”

With a frown, Matilda asked, “He went out? Is he on outstation? Where did he go? Why would he go somewhere with a weak signal?”

Knowing that Matilda disliked Sophia, Zack wasn’t sure if he should be telling the truth. He wondered if she would be angry if he told Matilda that John went to find Sophia. After some hesitation, Zack told her, “I don’t really know where my boss went, as he is on a private errand and not a business trip. Since it’s not a business trip, he didn’t tell me about it, nor did I ask.”

Shocked, Matilda stared at Zack. “A private errand? What kind of private errand?”

Zack let out a dry chuckle before replying, “That I don’t know.”

With a nod, Matilda said, “Alright, you can leave now. I will try to give him another call.”

After nodding to bid her goodbye, Zack left. However, instead of calling John, she hailed a cab to go to Sophia’s shop after giving the situation some thought. Robin was the only one in there, so Matilda entered the shop upon seeing that there weren’t a lot of customers. Out of reflex, Robin welcomed her, but she was soon startled to see that the person who walked in was none other than Matilda. “Madam, I didn’t realize it’s you.”

Scanning her surroundings, Matilda asked, “Where’s Sophia? Why is she not here?”

After some thought, Robin replied, “She has something else to do recently, so she won’t be here for a few days.”


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