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The Returning EX (John and Sophia) novel Chapter 768

Having undergone all that suffering, he still needs to tell us everything. That’s just sad.

Sophia stood at the entrance of the warehouse and looked inside. The man had been pushed off his chair and was now lying huddled on the ground, his body covered in blood. A cigarette dangled from the side of John’s mouth as he stepped down hard on the man’s thigh wound. “And then?”

Seeing that the man refused to speak further, John applied more strength to his foot. The man screamed and then groaned. “Okay, okay. I’ll tell you!”

Sophia stood at the door listening to him. The man said hesitantly that the person who instructed him to do this job would often ask him to do this kind of thing, but the previous jobs he had done were more complicated than this one. This job was much simpler; all he had to do was to hit a woman in the belly with a hard object. He originally thought that it was so simple that there was no need for him to spend much effort on it, but he didn’t expect things to end up this way.

When John asked who hired him, the man yelled, “Old Leopard! It’s Old Leopard. All I know is this nickname. His real name is no longer in use. Everybody now calls him that.”

John laughed. “It’s him again? I’ve already had him tailed, yet he is still able to act up. It seems that I need to discard some of my subordinates too.”

Sophia felt bored. Now, she no longer needed to do anything, so there was no room for her to perform any further. Thus, she found a place to sit down by the door and took out her phone to call Matilda. She mainly wanted to ask the latter if she felt any discomfort, and to tell her to go to the hospital quickly if something felt wrong. After all, Matilda was no spring chicken anymore, so there might be some bad effects.

From the other end of the phone, Matilda said that she was fine, and she didn’t need to go to the hospital. Sophia could vaguely hear William’s voice asking Matilda if the water was too hot and if she wanted to drink it now. Laughing, Sophia thought to herself that sometimes, things might look bad on the surface, but it would turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Some of the best surprises were hidden within the worst situations.


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