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The Returning EX (John and Sophia) novel Chapter 778

After hearing Yolanda’s statement, Sophia replied, “Perhaps Dad felt that it wasn’t a big deal.”

She could really change her form of address at any moment. Old Mrs. Constance raised her eyes and looked at Sophia, her lips curling up slightly.

Thinking for a while, Matilda said to Yolanda, “Have a seat. Don’t just stand there.”

Yolanda smiled half-heartedly but still sat down. She looked at Old Mrs. Constance and said, “I had wanted to come and visit you, but I was unwell, so I had to delay my visit.”

Old Mrs. Constance noticed that Yolanda was indeed not looking too good and could tell that she was exhausted. “It’s fine. I heard that you met with a car accident. Fortunately, nothing serious happened.”

Nodding, Yolanda explained, “That reflexive sidestep of mine saved my life.” Old Mrs. Constance continued to ask, “What did the driver say? They have to be careful in the future over this kind of thing.” Yolanda’s expression was slightly awkward. “Yes. Their recklessness may bring about terrible consequences to others.”

Sophia was an expert at observing others’ micro-expressions. Yolanda is probably keeping something from us about the incident.

Old Mrs. Constance then asked about Yolanda’s parents. Yolanda said that they had only kept contact through the phone. Her parents didn’t agree with her divorce, so they had some ill feelings for each other. She didn’t even tell her family about getting injured in the accident. With this explanation, she successfully clarified that there was indeed no one to take care of her, so it was normal for William to go over to her.

After pondering, Old Mrs. Constance stated, “I’m sure that they love you regardless. The generation gap may cause differing opinions. You may not wish to listen to them, but you should try to understand where they are coming from.”

Yolanda said she understood. Then, she smiled and said, “But I think it’s good for us to keep a distance from each other. They won’t worry about me so much, and I won’t feel so irritated by them.”

It was a long time before Yolanda pursed her mouth and agreed with them. Sophia could see through her discomfiture. In fact, she actually sympathized with her a little. Is it so wrong of her to fall in love with a man that we have to humiliate her like this?


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