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The Returning EX (John and Sophia) novel Chapter 870

Both mother and daughter went on and on with the discussion without coming to any conclusion. As the two of them found themselves in a stalemate, William’s call came in and interrupted the argument.

Upon reaching for her phone, Matilda stared at the screen, hesitant to answer it in front of Old Mrs. Flintstone, not because she didn’t want her mother to know that she had been keeping in touch with William, but because she was afraid that she would find out that William had spent the night before with her.

Squeezing her grip around the phone, Matilda decided to decline the call and pursed her lips. “Mom, I want to be in control of my own relationship. Look, I’m not some young teenage girl anymore, so just let me decide my own fate for once.”

Old Mrs. Flintstone helplessly sighed and justified her action by explaining, “I know I’m crossing the line, but that’s all because I don’t want you to go down the wrong path.”

Upon hearing her mother, Matilda felt disheartened as she said, “Mom, I’d still want to try even if it could be a wrong path to take. Otherwise, I think I’m going to regret not taking it.”

Staring at Matilda, Old Mrs. Flintstone criticized her daughter’s headstrong nature. “Everyone is talking about how much you’ve changed, but it seems to me you’re still the same old you. You’re stubborn as always.”

Matilda awkwardly smiled, standing up while holding her phone tightly. “Yeah, I get it, Mom. I’m a middle-aged woman, and it’s not like you don’t know that. I’ve been stubborn my whole life, so it’s kind of a part of who I am right now.” Soon, she added, “Mom, I have a call that I need to answer right now, but you’re probably not going to like it. So, maybe I should excuse myself.”

After listening to her daughter’s words, Old Mrs. Flintstone immediately knew who was calling. She then reacted impatiently with a long face. “Okay! Okay! I get it. Go ahead then!” Despite her mother’s frustration, Matilda was still thoughtful enough not to upset her mother by answering William’s call in front of her. Therefore, she stepped outside her house and returned William’s call.

“Of course, I have. Lunchtime is almost over,” Matilda replied. After that, William couldn’t think of anything else to talk about as he only just wanted to hear Matilda’s voice, even though he didn’t have a topic in mind. Meanwhile, Matilda didn’t know what she could say, so she brought up what they had gone through the night before. “You were drunk last night. I was about to flag down a cab and take you back to the Constance Residence, but you grabbed my hand and told me you didn’t want to go back home.” This man has never been this stubborn ever before.


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