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The Returning EX (John and Sophia) novel Chapter 880

Despite having no appetite, John knew that he would go hungry later in the afternoon without lunch. Even so, he was not in the mood to eat alone.

Zack laughed and suggested, “I’ll order takeout, and we’ll eat together.”

John didn’t reply as Zack walked toward the door. He opened it, but upon giving it some thought, he paused and turned around to add, “It’s true, boss, that ever since you got back with Sophia, you’ve become warmer. I like you more than before.”

John snickered to mock Zack’s observation. With the exception of Sophia, he did not care about anyone taking a liking to him.

When Zack was gone, John leaned into his chair and picked up the document for a quick look. However, his mind was only full of Isabelle’s words from before.

At that time, her expression was sorrowful but solemn. It was likely not a coincidence that she warned him about his safety.

He thought of it as a concerned warning. Isabelle must have known something but was not in the position to speak out. Therefore, she could only send me a reminder. A piece of information that she knows but is reluctant to reveal must be related to the Baileys.

He fished out a cigarette pack from his pocket, from which he took a cigarette and placed it between his lips. He did not light the cigarette and left it hanging there.

Lately, too many events happened at the same time, affecting his focus on work even though he was physically present at his office. He gave up and began to sort through the thoughts in his mind, one after another.


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