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The Reunion After Seven Years novel Chapter 234

"I had absolutely no choice. He threatened me and said that I had to add the drugs to your food, or else..."

Lily felt embarrassed to tell Nicole about the photos. She had failed to get the photos from Moore.

If those photos got out, her life would be ruined. Lily was painfully aware of this.

Nicole could get an idea of what might have happened just by looking at Lily's face. There was pain and sadness written all over it.

"Listen Lily, you have to tell me everything that happened. Everything he did to you. We need to sort this out once and for all. Otherwise he will use this against you every chance he gets. You will never be able to live in peace."

Nicole knew what Moore was capable of. He was ruthless and brutal if he wanted to be in order to get what he needed. He had put Kerr and her close to death but sheer luck saved them. Not everyone had that kind of luck.

Lily struggled to get the words out. "He managed to get me quite drunk and then he took some pictures of me." Her entire body shook from having to say these words out loud.

Nicole saw red and clenched her fists upon hearing this. She knew Moore to be heartless but this was beyond what she could imagine. The depth of this matter was something only a woman would understand and she knew that Lily was devastated.

"This happened a while ago, didn't it? You should have said something earlier Lily. Was this why you and your boyfriend broke up?" Lily had mentioned earlier that she had broken up with her boyfriend. She finally understood why.

Lily nodded and stood there at a complete loss for words.

Nicole sighed and then suddenly stood up. If Moore managed to get Lily to do this to her, he might have arranged for something similar to happen to Kerr as well. She picked her car keys and left the company.

She drove well beyond the speed limit without bothering to slow down and headed straight for Kerr's office at the Gu Group. Just as she stepped out of the car, however, she was faced with Moore in the parking lot.

"Correct me if I am wrong Miss Ning, but you are no longer a member of the Gu Group, are you? So, what brings you here?" Moore blocked her path.

Nicole was Kerr's biggest weakness and his key to taking over the Gu Group. Capturing Nicole and threatening Kerr would be the surest way to get him to step down without a second thought. He knew, however, that this was a risky plan.

He stepped aside and let Nicole pass, knowing that he wouldn't be able to execute this plan.

Nicole felt a strong mix of hatred and fear at the same time as she looked at Moore's cold eyes. There was nothing she could do but hurry away from him.

Before she realized it, Moore was matching her stride, step for step.

"What do you want from me?" Nicole tried to sound confident, but she could feel her heart pounding with fear.

A threatening smile appeared on his face, almost evil, as he said, "Stay away from Kerr or you will be in trouble. If my plan goes sideways, you will pay for the consequences."

Nicole was terrified but she kept on her brave face. "What is it that you want, Moore? You want to replace Kerr as the CEO of the Gu Group?"

Greed could make a man sick and Nicole was aware of this. She could understand that he coveted the property that the Gu family possessed but going to these lengths was something she could never fathom.

If these were the means to a rich and luxurious end, no one in the world deserved it.

"If I told you, would you be able to give me what I want?" Moore raised a hand and moved slowly towards Nicole's face.

Nicole instinctively slapped his hand away. "Don't even dare to think about it! You keep behaving in this way Moore and you will never get anything in life."


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