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The Reunion After Seven Years novel Chapter 235

"You know what? I almost lost our baby just now. Moore threatened Lily! He wanted to hurt the baby. It was lucky for us that Lily didn't go through with it in the end.

So I really should stay in the hospital for a few days. Imagine how much it will confuse Moore, not to mention help Lily. You can use the time to spread the rumor that I've had a miscarriage."

Nicole had given the matter a lot of thought and she had it all planned out.

"Okay." Kerr gave a slight nod. The day after tomorrow, he would take Nicole to a new place so that there was no way Moore could find her anymore.

The car pulled up outside the hospital. Kerr carried Nicole to the ward. He'd made sure that Harley knew all about what was happening, allowing him to pre-arrange a hospital room for her.

With Nicole comfortably settled in the hospital, Kerr contacted Jared and asked him to call Avery. Nicole needed company and who better than her best friend to keep her from boredom. Also, Kerr could take the opportunity to threaten Zachary.

Avery hung up the phone after Jared's call and immediately picked up her car keys, heading for the door. But before she could leave, Zachary appeared in the doorway.

"Where are you going?"

Zachary hadn't gone back to the Lin Group after Kerr's warning. The truth was that it had gotten to him. Instead, he returned to the villa. The last thing he expected was to see Avery on her way out.

"Kerr asked Jared to call me. He said Nicole's in the hospital! I'm going to visit her." Avery was really worried about Nicole. She didn't have time to fight with Zachary.

Putting on her shoes, she hurried toward the door. Avery had been in such a rush to hang up the phone and get to her friend, she hadn't thought to ask Jared for the full details of Nicole's condition.

"I'll go with you." Zachary reached over and took Avery's hand.

After all, he was sure that Kerr was looking after Nicole and keeping her safe from harm. All of this was clearly an excuse made up by Kerr to fool Avery. Only an innocent girl like her would believe all of this.

Avery didn't want to hang around, so she didn't even try to pull her hand away from his. There was no time to waste.

When Jared arrived at the hospital corridor, he was surprised to see that Zachary had tagged along with Avery.

Acknowledging Jared with a curt nod, Avery pushed the door open. Just as she entered the room, Kerr appeared from the opposite direction.

"Are you trying to fool Avery with your tricks?"

Zachary was filled with disdain for such shady tactics.

Kerr looked directly at him and shrugged. "If I were you, I would have married Avery at the first opportunity."

He knew the truth. Zachary had still not managed to win Avery's heart.

"Don't worry about me. Haven't you heard what they say? The most dangerous place is also the safest." In actual fact, it didn't worry Zachary at all that Avery was with Nicole.

Because he knew that Kerr cared about Nicole‘s feelings.

Zachary spun on his heels, turning to leave, but he suddenly stopped and turned back to face Kerr. His tone was light and playful when he mocked, "If I were you, I would worry about the wedding the day after tomorrow.

Don't go thinking the He family is easily fooled." Zachary had already heard all about Kerr's plan, thanks to Avery.

In fact, he secretly admired the way that Kerr was doing this for Nicole's sake.


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