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The Russian Mobster: Russian Mafia Romance novel Chapter 11

"Net. Nope sorry you fucktard Russians, I refuse." I muttered childishly as I stared into the mirrior at my reflection.

It wasn't a dress, it was a shirt.

It was unbelievably short, it came a good six inches above my knees.

It was black, strapless, and it looked really expensive, which really didn't make any sense to me because if you have a small amount of clothing its suppose to cost less right?

like those cute little shoes that are meant for toddlers that you'd see at Target or something.

but not with this dress, it was black and very very revealing.

I want to just crawl under the bed and scream.

"You look kinda hot, I don't see what the problem is? look me and Slayer got you pretty little makeup and hair shit, you can be like a barbie." Xavier said with an all-too innocent smile.

I flipped him off.

"Come on Grey, you got a nice body, its time to show it off." He shrugged as he pushed a lock of chocolate hair out of his eyes, and sat at the edge of the bed.

I walked over to the paper bag and peered in.

sure enough they got everything, and good brand names too.

"How'd you know what to get?" I frowned.

his lips pulled up into a proudful grin.

"Cute little blonde check-out girl" he licked his lips.

I quickly decided not to say anything more on the subject, instead I shooed him out, and began to get ready.

I curled the tips of my dark red hair, and slid product in.

I did my makeup dark- and smoky eyed.

my long eyelashes covered with false lashes and thick black mascarra.

I left my pale skin alone, considering I didn't have any acne.

Thank lord Jesus for proactive.

I then slid some dark red lipstick on, to bring out my hair, and to finsish it off slid on some bronze blush to bring out my cheekbones.

I came out of the bathroom feeling a very rare moment of hottness.

but it was soon replaced with dread when I saw the shoes I was suppose to wear.

these stilettos were the highest thing i've ever seen, with their 6 inch heel heel, it almost made me sick.

I am a trained assassin, I could kill a man with a roll of toilet paper, and I can take apart an AR-15 and put it back together, but its simply impossible for me to walk in heels.

I stepped out of the room and into the main living room, holding the heels in one hand, and a pissed expression.

Xavier and Slayer sat on the couch, watching TV, and when I stepped out they stood.

staring at me like dehydrated dogs, both of their eyes trailed along my getup.

"You look kinda fucking good. svyatoye der'mo. holy shit." Slayer said, and Xavier nodded in agreement.

I nodded, "Thanks. I'm not wearing these" U said as I held the stilettos for them to see.

Slayers brows turned inward into a frown, "Why not?"

I sighed "I'm sorry I can't walk in these, its technically impossible. they are too high."


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