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The Russian Mobster: Russian Mafia Romance novel Chapter 19

He was very good looking. Let's just keep it at that, not Sin kind of good looking, but good looking nevertheless. God screw these damn good looking Russian men.

He had white blonde locks, and dark looking eyes. His skin was pale and flawless, his tall frame and chiseled jaw line made me see where Sinister and him were related.

That jaw line can cut fucking diamonds.

He stood from his table to greet us.

"sem'ya. Cousin, it's been too long." His accent was thick and strong like Sin's, he was a bred Russian.

He shook Sin's hand, and his dark eyes flashed over to mine.

His eyes seemed to sieze me up, taking in every square inch of my body, drifting over the places where I really didn't want him to.


He already gave me the creepy creepies.

"Well, now I see what all of the fuss was about, I mean, yebat' She's beautiful."

I nodded awkwardly, true he might be good looking, but nothing could makeup for how uncomfortable he made me.

It was kind of like the twilight stare, you know?

The whole 'make direct eye contact and fuck it because I'm horny as hell, but I'm going to try and be causal about it'

We sat at the table, Nikolai faced the two of us.

"So cousin tell me, what did this little beauty do to piss of the Italians?" He asked, his fingers pressed together, his face concentrated on me.

Sinister cleared his throat, "Well um...you see...she kind of beat the living shit out of Viktor when he was coming on to her, and she knocked him out cold."

Nikolai frowned, "I am confused, how can a girl of um...that size take on someone like Viktor?"

I looked over to Sin, and he gave me a reassuring nod, "We can trust him." He whispered.

All though I felt completely not "Okay" I gave him a sharp nod.

"She's a burned CIA assassin." His eyes went wide, "Don't worry, you have my word, we can trust her." Sin said with a straight lipped look.

Nikolai seemed to process this for awhile, never breaking eye contact he suddenly let out a laugh

"A girl who can kick ass, I like it!" His face was flushed with laughter, "I assume she doesn't need to be sworn in, considering that's what she's been doing all her life. So, wait tell me...what did Viktor's face look like when he found out you could kick his Italian fucking balls?"

What. The. Shitting. Shit?

I thought he was going to freak out, or yell, or go ninja Russian on my ass.

I swallowed and smiled, "Well, I suppose he was kind of...shocked?"

Nikolai let out another laugh, "I suppose so!"

He took a long drink of the liquid in his glass, it was a dark- dark brown...so I assumed it was strong, "Well I must say Grey...that's your name right?"



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