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The Russian Mobster: Russian Mafia Romance novel Chapter 21

The sand was cool against the Miami evening air, and surprisingly there were few people around.

I didn't know if it was the fact that it was dinner time, or the middle of the "Winter" (winter for Miami is still hot).

There was a woman and her husband throwing their dog a Frisbee, a family building sand castles, and a young couple curled up in a towel. Every one of these people would never believe what is happening in my used to be, simple life.

I had kicked off my shoes some hundred feet ago, and now my feet were sliding into the sand.

I grinned, this was my first time on an actual beach, I mean growing up in Moscow, Russia, and from there to California where I was locked up and secluded for five years, I never really had the opportunity to endure the beach.

"Your like a child." He said with a smirk.

I shrugged it off and continued to dig my feet into the sand.

"And your like an old man!" I called back.

"And your like a skinny little twelve year old." He muttered back, catching up to my side.

"And your like a fat old Grandpa." I yelled back, and suddenly...he gave chase.

This was one of the very few times I was grateful for my short and small size, because I was able to duck from him.

But damn for such a tall guy he was fast.

I shrieked as suddenly my feet weren't touching the soft sand, instead they were flying through the air.

He raised me completely off the ground and spun me around in circles.

With one sharp movement he sat me on the ground in my dizzy state.

"Come and get me." He mocked, as I struggled to stand up with my whole world rotating violently.

I lunged out at thin air, he had slid by me easily.

I groaned as the dizzy feeling began to very slowly fade away, but he had already gotten to me.

He hooked his leg around my ankle and gave a sharp tug, and sent me flying to the ground.

I lay on the ground, squeezing my eyes shut tight until the dizziness went away, and the second it did...I was up.

Running towards him, I held my fists out and striked him in the face...well...almost. Instead of catching flesh I caught his fingers.

He grasped my hand centimeters from his face, and with another quick move he spun me around until my back was pressed against his rock hard stomach.


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