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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 10

Olivia’s POV

I wake up on a really soft bed and I know for a fact it’s not my bed, and then it hit me, last night. That man, Raphael with a gun, how easy it was for him to pull the trigger.

Slowly I open my eyes and look around to see a sleeping Raphael on the sofa, he looked uncomfortable, he is too big for that small sofa, I jump out of the bed and walk towards him.

His lips are parted and his hair messy around his face, his hands are resting on his stomach and his legs are supported on a foot stool.

As if I was under a spell I let my fingers run through his hair, allowing me to have a better look at his perfect face and his tattoos going up his neck, fuck me he is one sexy piece of ass.

He’s only in boxer shorts, so his body is showing, he’s got both his legs tattooed and his chest going up his neck and into both his arms forming sleeves. They are beautiful, just like him.

“Take a picture, will last longer” – I hear him say with a grin on his face

I walk two steps back holding my own body, It’s like his eyes made me fear him, his cold sky blue eyes.

“I’m not going to hurt you” – he says getting himself onto a more comfortable position.

“Where are we?” – I ask

“My penthouse in the upper east side”

“Oh” – He obviously lived on the Upper East Side - “Can I use the bathroom?”

“Through that door” – he points at the door on the left and I start to remember last night when we got here, I had a shower, I should know where I was going.

I walk there and lock the door behind me, looking at myself in the mirror. I look tired, my eyes are puffy and red. I look at my wrists and I see bruises formed. And all of the memories from last night make start to hyperventilate.

I sit on the floor holding my legs against my chest

“Olivia are you ok?” – I hear Raphael asking

“N-no” – I reply whispering


I can hear him shouting but I’m not able to form words, I feel my body shaking my hands went numb and I can’t breathe. I’m having a panic attack.

As if it was magic another door opens and I see him walking in with urgency in his eyes, he looks at me on the floor and hold me bridal style taking me to his room.

“Take a deep breathe”

I shake my head as if I couldn’t, I know I am breathing, but I feel like I’m going to die.

“Olivia, hold my fingers, press one by one and talk to me, tell me what your favourite animal is?”

I shake my head but he gives me a nod

“M-my f-favourite a-animal is a shark”

I see him grinning but I don’t understand why

“What kind of shark? Come on Olivia focus on me” – he says

“White shark” – I say while I hold his fingers between mine one at a time.

“Good, keep playing with my fingers”

I nod

“So, tell me what your favourite colour is?”


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