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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 13

Raphael POV

I wake up and get on with my day, I get myself sorted and I go to work, I drive myself today as I am not in the mood to have small talk, not even to Maria, so after getting myself sorted I avoid the kitchen and I just go straight to the garage.

I arrive at my office and I sit on my desk having a great view of the Empire State Building. My assistant brings me my coffee and I get on with my paperwork. My phone rings and its Scott.

“What do you want Scott?”

“I want you to stay away from my assistant”

I laugh – “Why? You can’t handle some competition?”

“She’s mine” – he says and I feel my blood boil

“The fuck she is, don’t you dare trying to get on with her Scott”

“Fuck you Raphael” – I hear him say

“Oh, I will get fucked, by Olivia, I will bend her on YOUR desk and FUCK HER into Oblivion” – I say with a smirk on my face.


“Careful Scott, Don’t start something you can’t finish” – I warn him.

“Fuck you, I got to go” – he says hanging up the phone.

I hand up the phone and I throw the folders on my desk to the floor. “FUCK”- I ignore the papers on the floor and open my laptop looking at contracts and other shit.

When it comes to lunch time I have a lunch meeting and I can’t believe it is with Lucas Scott. He runs businesses and we have some projects together that need attending but after that phone call I just want to fucking put a bullet between his eyes.

My secretary knocks on the door at the exact time I am about to leave.

“Mr Lockwood sir”

“Yes Amelia?”

“Sir Mr Scott called himself saying he won’t be able to attend the meeting because of personal reasons”


She takes a step back – “I am sorry sir but he didn’t want to say”

That fucking ass-hole – “Leave” – I say

I grab my phone and call Joseph

“Hey, I need you to follow Scott”

“Any particular reason boss?”


“Off course” – he says and I hung up the phone.

I sit again on my desk opening my emails and I open the one with Olivia’s file, just so I can look at her photo. Those eyes could conquer the world. Put anyone on their knees.

My Phone rings and I answer

“This better be good”

“Boss you are not going to like this, Scott is at St. Claire’s Hospital”

“I hope he is fucking dying”

“Boss, Olivia was committed to hospital and he is there with her”


I hung up the phone grabbing my car keys, sun glasses wallet and walk out of the office looking at Amelia “Cancel everything I’ve got for the next couple of days”

“Yes sir”

“Tell Tim to keep his work and if he needs anything I-m on my cell” – I say already inside the lift.

I keep walking until I’m inside my car, I drive to hospital and this is one of the hospitals that I give money every month, This is where my soldiers get treated in case something happen to them. I have the board on the palm od my hands and Scott’s money won’t do shit here.

I call the hospital on my speaker phone

I don’t let the person that answer the phone speak

“Put Doctor Smith on the phone”

I guess the other person recognised my voice because the next voice I hear is Smith “Raphael?”

“Doc, Olivia Black was committed there, I want full report on her condition, and I will be there in 20”

“I will check her file right now”

I drive as fast as I can, but traffic in NY is a shit show. When I arrive at the hospital I park my car on a reserved space and I rush inside. I pass everyone not looking at them and walk straight to reception

“Get me Doctor Smith”

“Mr Lockwood, what a pleasure”

I am losing my patience with this imbeciles that think that flirting with me will do them any good.

I support my weight on my arms getting my face closer to the woman’s at reception and I smile showing my perfect white teeth – “Love, if you value your job you will keep that pretty little mouth of your shut and do your fucking job, that is to do what the fuck I just said, because If I wanted to fuck you, you would be already on your knees sucking me off, are we clear?”

She opens her eyes wide and nods her head.

“Good, now get me the Doc”

Within a couple of minutes the doc arrives while I am pacing around. I am not a patient men, waiting is not a thing that I take well.

“Raphael walk with me” – the Doc says.

I walk with the doc through double doors and then another corridor and another and we get to a waiting room where I see Scott sitting with his head between his hands looking at the floor.

“Scott, what the fuck happened to her?”

He lifts his head looking at me and I see a men and a girl turning their heads to look at me, who the fuck are they?

“Fuck you” – he says

I approach him and my left hand wraps around his neck making him get up, I tighten my grip while he has both of his hands grabbing my wrist

“Don’t fuck around with me Scott, I am not in the fucking mood”

“Hey, put him down” – the guy says

“And who the fuck are you?” - I say just turning my head to look at him

“I am John, Liv’s best friend, please put him down”

How did I not know about this guy? Why wasn’t him in the report about Olivia?

The doc calls my name and I let go of Lucas and focus my attention on him.

“So, what I got here is that Olivia was found on the floor passed out on a corridor by a student that immediately called 911, she was breathing just unconscious, as request from Mr Scott she was brought here and all the bills are going to his account”

I don’t let him finish

“I want her on one of my rooms, I will pay for all of her expenses” – he have one floor of the hospital dedicated to my services. Our rooms are like hotel suits, I don’t want my men to feel uncomfortable when they end up in hospital doing a dirty job for me.

The Doc nods his head and scribbles on her file.


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