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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 35

Raphael POV

It’s been one week since I came to stay with my mum and I feel like a normal person again. I haven’t controlled anything and I haven’t worked. My phone is off and the only person that can contact me is Joseph and he is letting me have some rest and move over this.

I have been in a really bad mood and my mum is not taking it. She said we are going to sit down and talk today. I really don’t want to talk about Olivia with her, I know what she is going to say, she is going to tell me that Olivia should’ve decided if she wanted that life and not me, she is going to say that I lost the only woman that has actually liked me for me and not for my money. I know everything she is going to say and I just don’t want to hear it.

“I’m going out” – I say grabbing the keys.

“Where are you going?”

“For a walk” – I say closing the door behind me and walking out of the house. Once I get to the end of the front porch I stop, I don’t know where to go but that doesn’t stop me. I turn left once I get to the street and I start walking to the small town center.

I grab some coffee from the small coffee shop and I walk towards the beach, It’s been a while since I came to the beach. I just sit on the sand and I take in the cold weather.

It’s been uncharacteristically cold this week. I see the kids running around on the sand and making sandcastles. Their parents just sitting there watching them, just like my parents did with me.

I start to think about how my life would be if I had a kid. How my life would be if I actually had a family of my own.

I shake my head to stop thinking about it. It’s not gonna happen, the only woman I could see a future like that was Olivia and I pushed her away from me, I need her to be safe. I can’t imagine what I would’ve done if something happened to her when Julius took her.

That fucking bastard. It is all his fault. No-one ever tried to take me down. And he came to my city and took my woman.

He better keep his side of the agreement or I will put a bullet on his head.

I decide it is time to walk home and face my mother. It’s been a couple of hours and I need to do this so she can let me be.

As I walk towards the porch I can see her doing something in the garden.

“Hey, what are you doing?” - I ask

“Gardening “

“You know I can pay someone to do that for you”

“I don’t want your money, Raphael, besides, I like to talk to my roses, and take care of them”

“You sound like one of those crazy women “

“You don’t give me that sassy attitude young men, I am still your mother”

“Sorry mum” - I say keeping my head down. Mum is the only person that can do this to me. I won’t allow anyone else. Maria sometimes gives me some shit but I don’t mind.

“Come, sit with me” - mum says walking towards the small sofa she has on the porch.

I walk with her and take my seat crossing my leg on my knee. I allow my arms to fall on me. I feel lifeless. I need to stop this immediately.

“Why are you really here Raph?”

“I came to get some rest mum, you know life in New York is fast and I needed some time off”

“Now tell me the truth”

“There’s nothing to tell mum”

“Raphael Lockwood, I know about the girl and you know that I know so cut it”

“I don’t want to talk about Olivia mum”

“She is pretty “

I nod my head. My heart skipped a beat when my mum said she was pretty. I miss her so much. I knew she would be my downfall.

“Why don’t you fix it?” - mum asks

“There’s nothing to fix”

“I know you liked her. The last time I saw you like this you were in college “

“Not the same”

“Oh I know, this one really liked you, I could see from the way she looked at you on the photos, she saw you, the real you, not this facade you created “

“She knew about me mum, and she still wanted me”

“Go after her Raphael”

“I can’t mum, it was too dangerous “

“You can’t decide for her, she should’ve decided if it was too dangerous or not”

“You don’t understand” - I let out

“Oh but I do, better than you, your father wanted out for me, and I said yes. He was afraid something would happen to me, and I said yes I wanted out, that wasn’t the life I wanted for me or for you, but that girl has a mind of her own, you need to let her decide if she wants you and everything that comes with you”

“No” - I say while I stand up - “She was kidnapped mum, my world stopped when that happened, I would’ve done anything to get her back, anything, I would’ve given them everything I worked hard to build, do you get that? I would’ve died to save her, I can’t have someone that has that kind of control on my life”


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