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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 51

Raphael POV

I wake up and I blink my eyes twice trying to get them used to the light in the hospital bedroom, I can hear all the beeping and the machines around me.

I look around and I can’t see anyone. Where is everyone? What happened? I keep still, trying to remember what happened. I look around and I see the button to press to call the nurse. I try to move my arm but I get a shooting pain down my spine. Shit.

I move my toes and I take a deep breath, at least I am not paralyzed.

I press the button and not long after two nurses and the doctor walks into the room.

“Raphael, happy to see you awake”

I try to talk but my mouth is dry that I can’t really speak.

“Nurse, give him some water” – the Doctor says

“On the way doctor” – she replies.

The nurse gives me a paper cup with some ice chips and I put some in my mouth making me feel instantly better. I let out a soft smile thanking her.

“So, Raphael, I need to get a lot of exams done, I will call Joseph and Tim, they’ve been extremely worried about you”

I nod my head. This is not a position I am used to be, in a bed having someone taking care of me, only once I’ve been in this situation, the first time I got shot. The second time the doctor came to my penthouse to extract the bullet. And now this.


The thought of her invades my mind and I look around, what happened to her? I try and sit down but my back hurts and the doctor tells me to calm down.

With a really low voice as if I was afraid to ask I let out – “Where is Olivia?”

“She is fine, she had some bumps and bruises but she was okay, she is healthy as a horse” – the doctor says and I let out a breath that I didn’t know I was holding in me.

I nod and offer him a smile.

“I need o take you for some x-rays, CT, and some other exams” – The doctor says

I nod my head and I can see the nurses detaching the machines from my body and someone pushing the bed out of the bedroom.

I had a battery of exams and everything was normal so I was allowed water and I had the lot. I was really thirsty and now starting to get hungry.

Was I am taken back to my room I see Joseph and Tim talking while they both sit on the sofa in the corner of the bedroom.

They both stand up as I am wheeled in.

“Nice to see you awake mate” – Tim says

“Boss” – Joseph says

“Hello boys” – I let out

The doctor and the nurses leave the room giving us some privacy and I look around making sure it was safe to talk.

“Scott?” – I ask

“In a cell in the hideout” – Joseph replies and I smile, When I get out of here and I get to him he will regret the day he was born. I will make him suffer so much he will ask me to kill him to end his suffering and I will make him pay a little more and then I will give him what he wants, a slow and painful death. I smile to myself.

“Company?” – I look at Tim

“Everything under control mate, Olivia has been looking after things with me” – While he says that I lift one of my brows – “She is brilliant, she knows what she is doing and she already made you a lot of money”

“Why is she working?”

“She says she needs the distraction, she can’t be doing nothing, she hasn’t gone back to her job, she quit, her life is on standby waiting for you to wake up”

I remember those beautiful green eyes looking at me and I am so proud of my girl.

“She has been helping me too” – Joseph says

“Say what?” – I reply

“She is looking after the accounts and money part of the business, she is trying to get everything sorted for you” – I smile really proud of my girl but I really don’t want her involved with the mafia business.

“Should I call her?” –Tim asks

I shake my head saying no.

“I need to recover a little more, I don’t want her to feel more useless then she is now”

“She is feeling guilty, she says if it wasn’t for her you would be well”

“That’s nonsense” – I say frustrated.

“Is she in the penthouse?”

“Yes, she hasn’t left since she went back, all she does is come visit you and work, she barely eats and she barely sleeps”

“I want to see her, let me have a look at the security cameras” – I say

Joseph walks towards the bed and gives me his phone. I can see Olivia sitting on the sofa turned to the tv but the tv is off. She is hugging her legs and she is wearing my clothes. I smile at the sight.

“She’s been like that for hours now” – Joseph says

“Make sure Maria is feeding her” – I say and Joseph nods.

My head starts pounding so I allow my head to rest back against the pillows and I think they got the hint.

“We will let you rest and we will come back tomorrow” – they both say and I nod.

I shake both their hands and they leave me alone looking at the security cameras on Joseph’s phone.

As if it was magic I fall asleep almost instantly. When I wake up again the bedroom is dark and I don’t know what time it is but I am hungry. I press the button to get the nurse and when she walks in I feel my stomach turn.

“I am hungry” – I say and she smiles at me.

“I will get you some food Mr. Lockwood” – she says with a gentle voice.

Not long after she walks back in with a tray with some food. There was toast, orange juice, apple and banana, cereals, milk, and coffee. I smile at the smell of coffee.


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