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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 54

Raphael POV

“Do you need help?” – Olivia asks and I am taken by surprise by her question.

“No” – I say pissed off that I haven’t recovered totally by now.

I walk into my office, everything is made of wood, the walls are covered with big book shelf’s that have more books then I will ever be able to read, this is my personal library, my personal heaven.

I walk behind my desk and I take a seat on my big leather chair while Olivia stops herself and stands right next to the door. That woman is gorgeous, how can she not know how sexy she is?

“Close the door” – I say looking at her. I was in a horrible mood. I received a phone call today, nothing is going the way I planned. I don’t deal well with things not going my way. The English still have hostages from my staff's family, she is still giving them money and we haven’t been able to find out anything else. I really wanted her to be with her sister for Christmas, but for that, I need more information.

Olivia closes the door behind her and kept her eyes locked on mine while she bites her lower lip and fiddles with the bottom of her dress.

“Take a seat” – I tell her pointing at the chair right across from me.

Olivia sits down and crosses her beautiful full legs and her dress exposes more skin than before. I can feel my heart skip a beat and my cock reacting to her body. Fuck.

“What do you think you are doing?” – I ask her with my authoritarian voice.

“I don’t know what you mean” – she replies batting her eyelashes at me.

“Don’t play the innocent”

“I really don’t know what you mean”

“That dress Olivia” – I blurred out.

“What about the dress?”

I am getting extremely pissed off at her attitude, she knows she’s got me under her spell and she is using it against me. I take a deep breath controlling myself and I let out - “This place is full of dangerous men”

“And?” – she asks not giving a flying fuck. She doesn’t understand how sexy she is and how men will look at her as a piece of meat, some of the men in this compound are beats and they respect n women, as I haven’t claimed her as mine they might see her as just a girl looking for some fun time. I need to get my men together and claim Olivia.

“You can’t be serious, go change that dress, cover yourself” – I say

“I’m not changing my clothes just because you think your men won’t be able to control themselves and look at me” – she says while she stands up.

I get up abruptly and my chair falls back. I can see Olivia turning around and looking at me while I walk towards her.

“Don’t you touch me” – she says and for a second I stop myself from touching her.

“You think you can provoke me with that dress and I will keep my hands to myself?” – I ask her with lust irradiating from my body.

“Yes I do, I didn’t wear this dress for you, so keep your hands away from me” – she says showing me her confident side. This woman doesn’t stop surprising me every step of the way and I love it.

“Olivia, you should know better than to provoke me” – I say now getting closer to her.

“Not everything is about you”

I can see she is about to storm out so I grab her arm and make her spin to face me, she crashes against my chest and I take a deep breathtaking her scent in. She smells so good. She always smells of coconut body wash.

“Olivia” – I whisper into her ear – “Go put some underwear on” – I let out with my hands caressing her hips and lifting her skirt allowing my hand to get a hold of her round ass. I can feel Olivia shivering and she smirks looking at me.

She got me exactly where she wanted and I realized she was playing me like a piano. She knew exactly what keys to press and she knew how I would bend and I would make her mine.

“Raphael” – she whispers with her hands now pressed against my chest. I can hear her breathing go harder and faster at the same time I plant a small kiss on her neck.

“Why are you doing this to me?” – I ask her

Olivia lets out a small laugh and looks up at me when my eyes meet those beautiful emerald green eyes I can’t control myself and I take her mouth into mine. I feel the despair in her kiss, I can feel how much she wants me, we are fighting for dominance and I smack her ass while she lets out a gasp and I allow my tongue into her mouth exploring it.

Fuck me sideways I missed this kiss, I missed this woman close to me like this. I don’t think I will ever be able to let her go again.

I hear a knock on the door and I let out a growl.

“Who is it?” – I say taking one step back while Olivia takes a seat breathing hard on the chair that she was once before sitting.

“Boss” – I hear Joseph on the other side

“Come in” – I say walking back to my chair and lifting it from the floor. I take my seat and Olivia looks flushed and her hair is now messy. I smile at her

“Boss” – Joseph says walking in – “Julius is waiting for you”

“I will take the call here”

“He is here boss”


I see Olivia turn her body to look back and look at Joseph and I can see fear on her face.


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