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The Silent Alpha novel Chapter 38


My heart drops to the pit of my stomach the moment I hear Kota’s voice.

"Mommy, what are you doing?" he yawns tiredly as he wipes at his eyes.

In a panic, Zane grabs the corner of the cover and swings his arm around to shield our naked bodies, but in doing so, accidently hits me in the arm and knocks me off the bed.

"Oof," I groan as my body hits the floor with a loud thud.

Mortified, Zane scrambles to his feet but I push him back to sit down on the edge of the bed with his back to Kota.

"Stop moving,"

I hiss, Zane blushing furiously as he nods his head.I grab his shirt lying on the floor and throw it over my head.

"Kota, wait in the hall," I call out from behind Zane, adjusting the shirt and searching for my shorts.

"But mommy.I wanna stay with you."

It takes everything in me not to groan out loud, Zane draping the covers over his erection.

I manage to find my own shirt and wipe the c*m dripping down my inner thighs before locating my shorts and slipping them on while still crouching behind Zane out my mouth.

"Vamonos, Kota {Let’s go}, " I sigh, walking out of the bathroom.

"I'll handle this," I call over my shoulder as I usher Kota out of the room.

Once he’s in the hall, I poke my head back into the room.

"You wait here" I tell Zane, my eyes glancing at the tent holding firm beneath the covers.

"Just play with yourself if you need relief," I whisper with a smirk, Zane turning a deep shade of red.

"I’ll be back to finish what we started." I close the door completely, leaving behind my blushing mate.

"Mommy, what were you doing with Zane?" he asks, hugging his wolf to his chest.

"And why were you naked?" I lift him into my arms and carry him back to his room, racking my brain for ideas.

"We were...We were playing horsey, Kota," I laugh nervously, swallowing the lump forming in my throat.

"I was the cowgirl and he was the horsey but since we were out in the desert, it got really hot so we took off all our clothes."

Kota tilts his head to the side as I set him on his bed.

"Can I play horsey with you guys?" he yawns tiredly.

My eyes nearly bulge out of my head at the suggestion.

"Ummm.....may-maybe next time," I stammer, quickly tucking him back into bed.

"Right now, you need to go to sleep."

"But I’m not tired, mommy," he whines, fighting against his droopy eyes.

"I wanna play horsey with you and Zane." through his bag to find his favorite story book.

Kota scoots over to the side of the bed to make room for me and I climb in, settling in comfortably with the book in my lap.

"Which book would you like me to read to you?" I ask, opening up the book to the table of contents.

"Wumplestinky! {Rumpelstiltskin}" Kota cries, cuddling with his wolf and curling up beside me.

"Okay, okay, Wumplestinky it is, then," I laugh, flipping the pages to the beginning of the story.

"Once upon a time, there lived a miller..."

Not long into the story, Kota falls fast asleep, curling up into a little ball on his side.I tuck him in, wishing him a good night and kissing his forehead before tiptoeing back to my room.

Zane lays with his back propped up against the headboard, his hand timidly rubbing his now limp d**k.

His cheeks heat up immediately when he sees me, his thick member growing stiff in his hand.I make sure to lock the door this time, not wanting any more interruptions for what we are about to do.

Removing my shorts, I crawl onto the bed, Zane eyes glued to me as I straddle his lower abdomen.

"You okay?" I ask, draping my arms around his shoulders.

He nods and I frown at him time you need.There’s no rush,I whisper, caressing his cheek.

"If things get too overwhelming, you can tell me to stop.I won't get mad or upset.I'll be more upset with you if I do things that make you uncomfortable." He nods, his ears red.

I feel his hard member pressing up against my ass and I tilt my head to the side, grinning at him.

"Were you able to relieve yourself?" I ask, Zane becoming the reddest he’s ever been.

"Do you know how to play with yourself?????"

He opens his mouth to speak but struggles to string together a sentence, his tongue twisting with embarrassment.

"Relax," I soohe, gently pecking his lips.

"It’s okay if you don’t know.I can teach you if you like?"

"O--kkkay," he stammers as I climb off of his lap and sit beside him.

"You don’t have to be embarrassed," I whisper, placing my hand on his tip.

"But it is very important that you explore your own body to know what you like and don’t like.Since you’re inexperienced, we can learn how to please each other together," I smile at him, hopeful that I’m not crossing any boundaries.

I wrap my fingers around his c**k and pump along his shaft, Zane watching my hand move in a simple up and down motion.

His breath quickens when I begin to move my hand in a corkscrew motion as I pump.

I massage his balls with my other hand before my hands away and look at him, Zane’s face flushed with lust.

"You try," l instruct, grabbing his hand and wrapping his fingers around his cock.

He looks embarrassed to pleasure himself in front of me so I offer an alternative, pushing the shirt I’m wearing up to my navel and laying flat against pillows.

I slide my hand down to my slit, my fingers teasing the folds.

Zane watches quietly, biting his lip as his eyes flicker between my p***y and my face.

"Do you want to touch me instead?" I ask, massaging my vulva as I sway my hips.

Zane turns on his side to face me and I take his hand, kissing each finger before popping his middle finger in my mouth and sucking on it lightly.

His breath hitches as I flick my tongue over his fingertips, his eyes completely mesmerized as I suck his finger like the most delicious lollipop.

I then drag his hand down my body and in between the canyon of my breasts to my hips, my body tingling with sparks beneath his touch.

He flinches when I guide his hand to my slit and look up at him to make sure he’s okay.

Verifying that he’s just nervous, I press his fingers between my folds, guiding his hand up and down the slit.

He furrows his brows in concentration and I let out a little giggle at his adorableness.

I guide his fingers up to my clit, his middle finger drawing a moan from my chest as he presses it against my now throbbing "That’s my clit, baby,"

I hiss, swaying my hips against his fingers.

"Rub it and see what happens," I tease, Zane moving his fingers in a circular motion over my bundle of nerves.

I draw in a quick breath, my toes curling at the incredible sensation building up in my core.

Zane picks up his speed, my back arching as I moan.

"F-fuck, slow down.I’m going to c*m,"

I stammer, blinking away the stars blurring my vision.

Zane blushes furiously and slows down his fingers, my hips still swaying against his hand.

I guide his hand lower and push his middle finger into my pussyhole.

"This is where you will go in later,"

I murmur, holding my back a chuckle when he pulls his finger out in embarrassment.I wave two fingers in his face and plunge them into my p***y, thrusting them in and out slowly.I build up a tempo and rock my hips to the rhythm of my pumps.

My breath quickens as my thrusts go deeper and faster and my toes once again curlin ecstasy.

"Do you want to try making me c*m?" I ask, slowing down my pumps.

Zane blinks at me for a moment before timidly nodding his head and placing his hand over my vulva.

"Don’t forget my clit,"


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