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The Silent Alpha novel Chapter 39

***Wyatt (Scarlett Haven Gamma)*** 

"He is not to say a word to anyone.You understand me? Not a word,"

Alpha Sebastian snarls in my ear as he hands me the tablet with the California Pack Map.

"Keep him silent until he’s brought before me."

I know better than to question him, so I just nod my head and take the tablet.

In the hall, Caine and my son, Korbin, await my instructions.

"So where exactly does this Alpha live?" Korbin asks as I lead them down to the car.

"My sources tell me the Bay Area," I reply curtly, not looking forward to this wild goose chase.

Caine is silent as I pull out of the drive and head towards the airport, a feeling of dread settling in my stomach.I don’t know why Sara requested Caine to join me on my mission but I know it can’t be good.I'll just have to keep a close eye on him and make sure he doesn't get himself killed.

"So what's this Alpha like?"

Korbin asks, leaning back against his seat with his arms behind his head.

"Have you met him?"

"I have," I sigh tiredly, knowing Korbin will be asking a million questions throughout this drive.


Korbin pries, suddenly sitting up straighter towards me, as if paying attention to what I have to say about his older brother ifonly you knew you've already met him...

"He's a man of little words," I reply carefully.

Neither of them need to know who Zane really is.

At least not yet, anyways.

"What’s the Alpha’s name-"

"Would you quit calling him Alpha?"

Caine snaps, finally fed up with Korbin’s incessant questions.

"I’m the Alpha!"

"Not yet you’re not,"

I retort, glaring at him through the rearview mirror.

"So I suggest you change that tone of yours if you want to remain on this mission."

"If he is such an Alpha, then why did Dad send him away? If he were a real Alpha, he would have never accepted to part with his pack.He wouldn’t hide away, he would face Ravenstone like a Man!"

"Well, unlike you, Alpha Toran actually does have an interest in your brother," I reply smuggly, the look of indignation on Caine’s face pleasing me.

"He’s valuable to him."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Caine sneers.

"Nothing," I shrug nonchalantly.

"Just that your brother is a Purebred Silver wolf… unlike you… and Alpha Toran is no i***t.He knows that a silver wolf like your brother is rare.Purebreds are hard to find, the last known ones being the Altamirano clan of México, a family line which disappeared years ago.Why waste his heir instead?"

"Who do you think you are to speak to me that way?" Caine snarls.

"Your superior," I reply calmly, his face contorting in anger.

"Listen very carefully Caine, because I’m only going to say this once.You might be the Alpha’s son and a silver wolf, but this is my mission.You were invited to join by your mother.As such, I amin charge and you will not question me on any decisions I make.You will not speak, you will not move, you will not do anything unless I tell you to.Do I make myself clear?"

He only grunts in response, looking out the window to avoid me.I sigh in frustration.

Caine is young and stupid.

The only place he will lead our pack to is to its doom.

Schilling silence fills the car but before long, we find ourselves in the airport searching for our terminal.I hate flying but there’s no way in hell I’m staying in a car with Korbin and Caine for 15 hours.I’d rather die.

"So what’s his gift?"

Korbin hisses as we find our seats by the wings of the plane, Caine upgrading only himself to first class like the prick he is.I only shrug in response.I did not witness Zane’s first shift, so I do not actually know what his gift is.

Traditionally, the first shift is a very important event for a werewolf.

Not only do you meet your other half, but you also get to communicate with your other pack members at the next full moon.

We call it a Night of Melodies ritual.

As an outcast, however, Zane’s first shift was anything but special.

"Sir are you sure-"

"Are you questioning my decisions again, Wyatt?" Sebastian snarls.

His voice deepens when I shake my head.

"Then take him to the cabin by the waterfall and leave him there for his shift.Bring him back next week."

"You intend to make him deal with his first shift alone, Alpha? "

Lask, bewildered by such a thought.

"But he is your-"

"Enough!" Sebastian roars.

"I will not explain my decisions to you, Wyatt."

"Yes sir," I reply, biting back my words as I turn to leave.

As I reach for the door, Sebastian’s voice stops me in my tracks.

"Take Agnes with you."

Shocked, I turn to face the Alpha only to find him with his back to me, his eyes looking down at a small photograph of Elenore, baby Zane and little Jonathan.

"She can ...ahem ...she can watch over him while he shifts," he says quietly.

"Yes sir,"

I reply, many thoughts churning in my head as I go in search of Zane and Agnes at the Hive do not think he understands himself either.

All I can do is hope that he will not regret his decisions later on.

Zane only forces a smile when I explain to him that his father does not wish to attend his first shift and that he is being sent away to do it alone.

He does not even question me for the decision nor does he display any anger towards me or his father for not being given a Night of Melodies ritual like any other pack member.

He only silently accepts his fate with a small nod and begins to pack up a few clothes for the trip to the waterfall.

He works quickly to fold and put away his things but I still notice the slight tremor in his hands and the quiver in his lower lip.

I know he must be breaking inside.

"Lam sorry, kid," I sigh, hating the situation on his behalf.

Zane does not respond, stoically zipping up the luggage and signing something to me.

Over the years, I have managed to pick up a bit of sign and I am able to decipher his question.

"Will you be going with me?" he asks.

"lam only dropping you and Agnes off," I reply with regret.

His calm face falters slightly but he quickly recovers and asks another question.

"Will it hurt?" he signs.

Unable to lie to him, I place my hand on his shoulder and pull him closer to me.

"It will not be a pleasant experience but the pain only lasts for a moment ...and then...It's the most amazing He smiles at this, but the joy does not reach his eyes.I can tell he is scared but as always, he accepts his fate, his pain or fear being locked away in his heart for no one else to feel but him.

The drive to the waterfall cabin is not long, but far enough away that no Scarlett Haven wolf will disturb him.

Alpha Cyrus bought it years ago as a small safe haven for himself.

It later became the place where he would meet Princess Bre in secret.

He passed the cabin down to Sebastian but the Alpha does not like to visit it.

He hates being reminded of his brother.

Zane helps Agnes out of the car and I unload his luggage before taking off.

I watch Zane comfort Agnes from my rear view mirror as I drive, my chest swelling with pride.

Even in his own pain, Zane looks after the people he loves like a true Alpha.

If only Sebastian could see just how strong his son truly is, maybe then he would accept his son the way he is.

Not a day goes by that I don’t regret not being there for Zane’s first shift.

If Elenore knew I left her son alone on the most important day of his life, she would never forgive me.

As we fly over the Coast, I pull out the California map, studying the packs of the Bay Area.

When traveling between packs, it is important to always carry a Pack map.

Wolves are territorial in nature and we do not like newcomers trespassing without permission.

San Francisco itself does not contain any our wolf form but werewolf businesses are abundant in the region and our arrival will not go unnoticed.

Luckily for us, King Arthur has a few connections in the Bay Area who are willing to house us safely for the duration of our search.

I have no doubt finding Zane will be easy.

Silver wolves are rare and a rogue one is not likely to fly under the radar for long.

It's very likely Zane and Agnes have already found a pack to stay at.

The only concern I have is that Ravenstone likely already knows where he is too and it won’t be long before they try to kill him.

I look at the sea of red dots on the map, knowing Zane and Agnes could not have gone far from San Francisco.

"Ya know there’s a rumor going around that the Ivory Twins live in California," Korbin whispers.

"Do you think that’s true?"

"The Ivory Twins are a myth, Kor," I sigh in annoyance, studying the pattern of packs carefully to figure who might be allied with who.

"Well, I think they are real,"

Korbin mutters, lazily stretching out his legs.

"Sit up straight," I snap, Korbin sitting up and peeking at the tablet.

I point to a red dot in the Santa Cruz Mountains.


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