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The Silent Alpha novel Chapter 54


I can feel myself slipping away as blood pours out of my neck area and I make peace with the thought that this may be the end for me.

Zane reluctantly pulls his hands away from the wound and leans forward to kiss my forehead, his lips leaving lingering sparks on my skin and I try to savor them as he turns to leave.

"I- I'll be back," he murmurs.

This may be the last time we speak to each other, so I reach out my hand and hold onto his wrist a little longer.I want him to know how glad I am we met.

"Zane..." I croak, struggling to find my words.

"I-I love you." He does not reply but I see the anguish swimming in his eyes and it hurts.

My sweet mate is breaking inside.I just hope when this is all over, his heart is still intact.

Zane storms out of the car and Rionna kicks into action, reaching her hand over me to unbuckle my seat belt.

"Don't worry, dear.We'll get you help," she reassures me, grabbing Agnes'‘s hands and placing them over my wound.

"We just need to get you into the passenger seat," she grunts, jumping out of the car and adjusting the passenger seat so that it rests all the way back.

Dakota screaming in the background for me.

"Mommy! Mommy!" he wails, Rionna, and Agnes shifting me onto the passenger seat.

"Please help my Mommy," he sobs.

"Help her!"

I open my mouth to calm him down but only incoherent mumbles escape my lips, frustration bubbling in my chest.

Instincts take over, however, and I do my best to keep calm and slow down my breathing.If I want to survive, I need to stay calm.

Agnes tears off her shirt, ripping the fabric into strips and tying it around my shoulder and over my collar bone to stop the bleeding.

Instant pain shoots across my chest, my nails imprinting half moons into the car seat as I bite on my tongue to hold back my screams.I don’t want to scare my baby.

Rionna jumps into the driver seat, restarting the car and turning it back towards River Moon.

"Stay with us Talia.Just stay with us," she orders me as we speed down the road.

"I linked Toran and he’s getting help from the Queen.Just hang on.Don’t go.Kota and Zane still need you." I can feel myself slipping into the darkness, a coldness filling my body as more blood pools around my chest.

"Mommy!" Kota screams, my eyes struggling to stay open.

"Mommy wake up!"

But the exhaustion is only growing stronger, its claws fight to stay conscious but as we drive through what appears to be a portal, I feel myself fall into the cold pitch black, the pain subsiding and the world giving way to the abyss.I do not feel fear as I wander aimlessly for what feels like hours into the void.

The dark is quiet but in a soothing way.I must have died...I tell myself, my heart breaking a little at the thought but the memory of Kota and Zane watching the butterflies calms my fears.

Even in my absence, my son will know love.

His father will make sure of that.

Peace settles into my being and as I take a step forward, I feel the ground give way and a flutter fills my heart as I fall into the pitch black.

My arms and legs instinctively search for something to grab onto as I fall when the black nothingness suddenly fades to blue skies and fluffy clouds I can almost touch with my fingers.

Just as suddenly as the sky appears, I feel myself gently fall into a body of water, small waves washing over me until I'm fully submerged.I react instantly and swim to the water's surface, taking a huge gulp of air to fill my starving lungs.

My eyes scan my surroundings and I find myself in the middle of a lake, a calm voice calling me to the shore.



The wind whispers, its voice sweet and melodic.I decide to follow it and swim towards the shore, my eyes watching the woods just beyond it.

Something moves between eyes gazing intently at me.

Its gorgeous gray coat has a light blue tint to it as the light hits it and air of dominance lingers around the wolf. The wolf feels familiar and as I crawl onto the shore, it rushes to help me, its tail wagging with pup-like excitement.I carefully inspect myself, realizing I'm wearing a simple white dress, my wet hair clinging to my neck and shoulders.

The wound which had been bleeding like crazy only moments ago is long gone, flawless skin now covering my collarbone.

"Hello, wolf" I murmur as I get up on my feet and dust off the sand from my now bare legs.

My eyes widen in shock when it replies back with a smooth voice.

"Hello, Natalia," it murmurs, turning its body towards the forest.

"We should hurry.She’s waiting for us."

"Who?" I ask, but the wolf does not answer, running off into the woods.

hurry after it, avoiding small stones and branches littering the forest floor as I run barefoot.

After a while of running, the dense forest gives way to a clearing with a large tree near the edge.

Several large stones are arranged around a much larger stone like chairs around a table, and the wolf takes a seat on one of the stone chairs.

I run up to the wolf and lean my body against a stone, inhaling deeply to catch my breath.

"Hello Natalia," a gentle voice whispers from behind the tree, hair black as night appears before me.

She is barefoot and wears a simple yet elegant white dress with blue embellishments at the hem.

A kind smile stretches across her perfect red lips and her dark eyes twinkle like the stars.

The wolf jumps off the stone and bows its head before the woman, the beautiful being stroking the wolf's fur in a loving manner.

Unsure what to do with myself, I stand up immediately and awkwardly bow to her as I fumble with my hands.

"H-hello," I reply softly, the woman chuckling.

"You're not going to ask how I know your name?" she asks, her question leaving me dumbfounded.

"I'm dead right?" I answer with a shrug.

"And you're here to lead me to the afterlife...? Or wherever it is I’m supposed to go.Heaven.Hell perhaps,"

I offer sheepishly, the woman taking a seat on a stone with the wolf laying at her feet.

"You are not dead," she murmurs, petting the wolf who purrs contently at her.

"It's not your time yet.Zane and Kota still need you."

"Then what am I doing here?" I ask, looking around at the massive forest.

She hums to herself before answering.


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