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The Silent Alpha novel Chapter 55


My heart nearly skips a beat when I see Talia open her eyes for the first time since she fell unconscious in the car, her warm brown irises resembling swirls of chocolate and honey. How I missed those beautiful eyes of hers.

I don’t waste any time and kiss her, needing to feel the tenderness of her soft plump lips against mine after all these agonizing hours lying in wait. Guilt bubbles in my chest, however, and I pull away to reassure her of my feelings.

"I-l love y-you too," I murmur, Talia’s eyes filling with tears as she cups my cheeks to kiss me again.

It does not escape me that her touch feels different, that the sparks are a little stronger as they tingle across my skin. Even her scent is more prominent, my nostrils filling with the soothing scent of lavender and rain.

Something is different, Grayson says, growing restless as I hold Talia in my arms. She feels different,

Neither of us can quite understand what it is so we chalk up the strange intensity of our bond to me missing her these past few nights and I reluctantly pull away from Talia’s lips. Her eyes flicker from side to side and she goes very still, as if trying to listen to something. The only sounds I hear are the sounds of the River Moon clinic nurses and technicians walking up and down the halls

"Where... where are we? How long have I been out?" Talia asks, gently cradling her head in her hand and blinking very hard.

"Ugh and what is that sound?"

"W-what sound?" I ask, Talia looking up at me in confusion.

"You don’t hear it?" She replies, looking around for the source.

"Hear w-what?"

"The purring," she says, her eyes scanning the dimly lit room.

"Is there a cat in here?"

The only p***y I see is-

Shut up, I snap, Grayson muttering incoherently at me.

Talia and I both go very quiet, Kota’s light snoring the only sound we hear, when Talia suddenly sits up straighter.

"There! Did you hear it?" she hisses in a loud whisper, grabbing onto my arm.

Again, it does not escape me that the sparks feel stronger, more vivid and undeniable when she rests her bare hand on my skin. Talia seems to notice too, her eyes focusing on the place where our skin meets.

A single tear rolls down Talia’s cheek as she lets her finger glide across my arms, her touch leaving goosebumps along my bare flesh.

"I did it," she murmurs. "Oh Goddess, I did it." She feels her arms and face, smiling sheepishly at me. 

"Do I look any different?"

I squint my eyes and stare at her for a moment, Talia’s cheeks heating up as I scrutinize her features. Aside from the dark circles under her eyes and her tousled curls, she still looks very much the same. Beautiful, strong, perfect.... Mine.

Her smile falters when I shake my head at her, but I tuck my fingers under her chin and tilt her head up, forcing her to face me.

"Y-you look Per-perfect," I whisper, her beautiful smile once again gracing her lips.

I lean in for another kiss, my entire body exploding with sparks the second our lips touch. The sensation startles us and we both jump back from each other in shock.

"You felt that too right?" she asks curiously, carefully inspecting her hands.

 "I guess a wolf would feel the bond much stronger."

I open my mouth to ask what she means but Kota stirs at her side and interrupts my train of thought. Talia looks down at our pup, combing back his hair with her fingers and gently caressing the curves of his face. She leans down to kiss his forehead, whispering sweet words in his ear.


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