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The Silent Alpha novel Chapter 56


"Zane… I think I have a wolf," I whisper, Zane sitting up immediately.

"W-what?" he asks, looking at me with both excitement and curiosity.


"I met with Moon Goddess and she gifted me one," I murmur, pup-like excitement washing over Zane’s face.

"Y-you met Mo-Moon Goddess?" he asks.

"B-but how?"

"I don’t know," I shrug, the wolf howling in my head with equal excitement to know her mate liked the idea of her presence.

"She kind of just showed up and handed the wolf to me."

"W-what’s her n-name?" Zane questions, his eyes beaming with unadulterated joy.

"C-can I meet her?"

"Her name is Devina, I think?" I reply, trying to remember the wolf’s name.

"I don’t really know how to get her out.This is all new to me.I don’t even know if she’s really there or if I am just going crazy." He doesn’t get a chance to ask more questions, his brown eyes turning to gold as Grayson steps forward.

"Not crazy," Grayson snaps, crashing his lips against mine.


Grayson grins, the sound of purring filling my head. suddenly very aware that Kota is sleeping just beside me.

"Kota is here!" I hiss, Grayson smirking at me.

"And?" He shrugs, mischief glittering in his eyes.

"And we can talk about this in the morning," I mutter, turning my back to the wolf and cuddling with Kota.

"Goodnight." Grayson growls in annoyance but settles behind me, wrapping his arm around my waist to hold me close while we sleep It feels good to wake up in Zane’s arms but my head is pounding.

All night long, my ears picked up every tiny little sound and the lights from the machines all bothered my now very sensitive eyes.

To add to my grievances, I already regret accepting Devina.

The stupid wolf in my head purred all night long as Zane held me and if I protested, she would purr even louder just to annoy me.

There is no turning back though.

Zane will soon be leaving for war and I need to be able to defend myself and our pup against another attack, especially now that Christian knows where I live.I can’t rely on Zane all the time to come and save me.I have to be strong not only for Kota, but for myself too.

A sudden knock at the door pulls me from my thoughts and I look up to see the Queen and her King poking their heads in to see if we are awake.

I tap Zane on the shoulder and he mutters in his sleep, the horny wolf in my brain purring and whining to be King Oliver looks very stern and cold as he walks into the room, the little Queen rushing in to catch up to her brooding mate.

She holds a black book in her hands made with black leather and has a gold lock with a tree of life carved on its surface.Thick vines wrap around the pages, sealing the book shut.

"What are you?" Oliver snaps, pointing an accusing finger at me.

Zane is on his feet instantly, standing in front of the bed ina defensive stance.

A low growl rumbles in his chest as a warning, the sound waking up little Kota.

Upon seeing me, Kota jumps into my lap, wrapping his tiny arms around my neck and pulling me close for a hug.I can feel his tears soak through my shirt, Kota’s shoulders trembling as he sobs.

"Oh baby," I murmur, hugging him back and resting my chin on his head to soothe my crying pup.

"Shh shh shh," I hum.

"It’s okay. We’re okay now, I promise."

"I was really scared, mommy," he cries.

"No more red water, mommy, okay? No more."

My heart shatters into a million pieces knowing Kota could not possibly understand what happened to us in the car and it angers me to think he likely called out to his mommy for hours, hoping to wake me up.

"It’s okay, my frijolito.It’s okay.I’m all better now.No more red water," I sigh into his hair.

"She just woke up. Give her time to adjust."

"Aurora is too kind to tell you to leave, but I’m not," he says, ignoring his mate.

"If you continue to put my packs in danger, I will throw you out myself."


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