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The Silent Alpha novel Chapter 80


"Awar killed my son," Sebastian replies, a numbness in his voice as if he had recited these words until they became his truth.

"A war started by the man you now align yourself with."

"Y-you lied...Y-you lied all these y-years!" I say, shaking my head in disbelief.

"Y-you said i-it was Ravenstone!"

Around me, the wolves on either side stare at the old Alpha in shock, unable to comprehend how he could ever harm his own child.

"You will never understand this,"

Sebastian snarls.

"You’ve been kept away from all the war, all the blood, all the death your entire life.You will never understand the sacrifices an Alpha has to make for their pack but I do!"

"H-he was innocent!"

I cry, unable to believe his justification.

"There are no innocents in war!"

Sebastian growls.

"Only blood, be it the blood of your enemies or the blood of your family.War does not know right from wrong, it only knows strength and being strong enough to do what needs to be done and take what is yours!"

"Yy-you’re a monster," I whisper.

"lam not the only monster here,"

Sebastian sneers, his eyes narrowing to slits as he glares at Toran.

"This war began because a mate bond was not honored between my brother and his wife.That man," he snarls, pointing at Toran.

"That man destroyed my family but it was not enough to take my brother," he laughs cruelly.

"No, he went and had my wife killed...He made me feel her death.I felt the pain shattering through me, burning my lungs, my flesh, my soul! I felt her slip away until all that was left was this cold, emptiness.I felt everything that night, but it was not enough for him.No, he then took her from me.He took her and kept her hidden from me all these years, mocking me...He bought her love, no doubt...tricked her into thinking he actually cared for her...But Ravenstones...they are incapable of love."

Beside me, Tylen looks like he might tear Sebastian to shreds but Toran has a satisfied grin on his lips.

"My, my.How little you know, Seba,"

Toran sighs, shifting into his human form.

"But no matter, you will eat your words soon enough,"

Toran teases.

"I love my wife.I have for the past 20 years and despite knowing that it was I who hurt her, Elenore loves me too, freely and willingly.We are not fated, but every day she wakes up, she chooses me, over and over again.She has raised my son and my pack alongside me like a true Luna, and she has never once lived in fear that I may hurt her like you did.In all our years of marriage, the only time I have ever touched her, was because she begged me to.Not once have I ever forced myself upon her, because unlike you, I actually cherish my wife.After what we just witnessed, can you say the same? Did you ever truly love that woman or were you just satisfying your wolf?"

He snarls.

"Elenore was the only good in my life!"

Sebastian snaps.

"And yet, you destroyed her,"

Toran growls.

"But by the grace of my Goddess, she does not know who you are or what you did to her.Moon Goddess gave her a clean slate to start over with and I thank her every day for that because she will never remember that it was you who took her pup, that it was you who broke her son, and that it was you who shattered her heart every day with your cruelty."

"Do not act so righteous, Toran! There is blood on your hands as there is blood on mine!"

Sebastian bellows, trembling with rage.

"We are no different!"

"You are wrong, my dear Seba," Toran replies.

"There is no innocent blood on my hands.I did not kill those children at the daycare.I did not kill my own son for the benefit of war.I did not hurt my own family.AND I DID NOT KILL BRE!"


Sebastian screams and I realize he has been fighting this war based on lies and deceit.

"Y-ou don’t know abou-about Bre," I murmur softly, Sebastian’s face hardening.

"Of course I know about Bre.That bastard killed her when he found out she was mated to my brother," Sebastian scoffs.

"And then he killed my brother."

Acruel smile lingers on Toran’s face and with one look, he asks me to show Sebastian the truth of that day.I look around at the Scarlett wolves, their faith in their Alpha already faltering.

Do not pity them, Grayson snaps.

They deserve to know the truth behind the war they have been fighting for almost 30 years.

Closing my eyes and putting down my walls, I let Toran’s memories flood my head, sifting through them until I find the memory of that fateful day.

When I open my eyes again, a beam of light flows through my irises, projecting the memory for all to see.

"Toran! Toran!"

Breanna screams through mindlink, Toran running faster until he reaches a small cottage in the forest.

"I’m coming!"

Toran shouts back, knocking down the front door and racing inside.His breath hitches when upon entering the cottage, he sees Cyrus towering over Breanna laying on the couch, a bloody dagger in his hand.

Breanna wheezes softly as Cyrus turns to face his best friend.

"We were supposed to be the Fated Pair,"

Cyrus chuckles to himself.

"But the spell wore off-"

He manages to escape by sonic scream, leaving Toran to face his dying wife on his own.

Toran crawls to her, cradling her head and smoothing down her hair.

There is a large gaping wound on her stomach, a river of blood pouring through it.

Upon touching her, Toran’s eyes suddenly widen in shock and Breanna smiles up at him as a little blood trickles from her nose, reaching a hand to caress his cheek.

"M-mate," she coughs out, wiping the blood on her lips.

"We're mates."

"Don’t speak,"

Toran hushes, attempting to lift her in her arms, but Breanna only protests.

"I need to get you to the hospital.They'll fix you there, come on."

"N-No," Breanna protests.

"Just-just stay here with me.Just hold my hand," she says through a bloody smile.


"But they can fix you,"

Toran pleads, Breanna shaking her head at him.

"Please, please let them fix you-"

"I love you, Toran,"

Breanna whispers, coughing up more blood.

"P-please be strong...without me..."


Toran shakes his head, Breanna’s eyes slowly fading away.

"It’s okay, Bre, I’ve got you," he murmurs, lifting her up so he can sit down and cradle her in his arms.

"It’s okay, Bre.It’s going to be okay," he adds, rocking back and forth long after she goes still in his arms.

"We’re okay, baby.We’re going to be okay.You’re just tired.You just go to sleep and in the morning, it'll all be better.I promise, baby."

He sits on that couch for what seems to be an eternity, holding his mate and brushing her hair with his fingers.

Tears streak his cheeks but there is anger in his eyes.

Anger and hatred.


Sebastian shakes his head in disbelief, disrupting the memory projection.

"No, it cannot be! Toran killed Breanna.It was Toran-"

"Your brother took my mate,"Toran snarls.

"It was your brother’s own greed that got him killed, not my envy.He tricked you, he tricked you all into believing Breanna was his mate but it was just a spell.A spell to make her believe she was his mate when in reality, she was mine.You’ve killed innocent people, all in the name of a lie."

Sebastian shakes his head, unwilling to believe what he’s just witnessed.

"No, no.He’s lying!"

Sebastian cries, looking around at his wolves who stare at their weapons in disgust.

"My-My father said-"

"You still believe that man after everything he’s done?" Toran scoffs.


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