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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 19


I begrudgingly leave Anna sleeping on my bed. As much as I want to be there for her, I don’t think I can fight this battle for her I wish! could, I wish it was within my power, I pray to the Goddess that Winter is still aware enough to help Anna reject the mark 

As I enter my office, I see James sitting at my desk chair, notepad and pen in front of him and a phone to his car As I close the door. I see James roll his eyes 

Alpha Fraction is here now. I’ll pass you over James passes me the handset and moves from my chair to the sola 

Alpha Callum, nice to hear from you. We were concerned when you didn’t show in South Dakota” 

I am sorry about that My Luna had taken ill and needed my attentionSomething about this doesn’t sound right to me, sure Lunas can get sick but surely, he could have answered the phone We need to discuss the wolf you were following Alpha Callum is an older Alpha and by rights he should have stepped down and passed the title to his Alpha Heir by now. The old cont refuses though 

“What about him?I ask, I don’t want to talk about the man whose mere presence enrages my wolf 

He’s practically royalty within his packs. They have contacted me regarding him. Apparently, he came here to collect his fated mate and his pack felt the loss of eight lives three nights ago. Please tell me you weren’t involved in this. The Eastern packs are threatening war unless he returns homeWhy the hell would they contact Callum. All calls 

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like that sound go to Darryl, he’s the Head Alpha in the area

Why did they call you and not Alpha Darryl?” 

I have taken my Luna to Hati a few times in the past and I know some of the Alphas over there.Wolves holidaying with outside packs, that’s a first

Well, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ll speak to Alpha Darryl and see if he knows anything. Do you need anything else, Alpha Callum?I’m done with this conversation; I need to speak to Darryl and figure out what to do

Nothing more. I will speak to you again soon, Fraction.He hangs up the call on that disrespect. Not referring to me as Alpha Fraction wast just as offensive as coming up and punching me in the face. I slam the handset down and turn to James

Speak with Darryl. He needs to know what is happening. Maybe he can dig into why Callum has a link with the Eastern packsJames is writing notes in his pad, tell him to deny we have Max until I know how to handle the mate situation we have

Anything new on that? How’s the Luna?I can hear the concern for Anna in James’s voice

“She’s fighting, her and Winter are strong. I don’t know how after all they have gone through, but they are.I sigh and rub my hand over my face, Doc says she’s special, a fullblooded Omega. She’s rarer than we thought.” 

This will work out Alpha, I’m sure of it.James gets up and leaves probably to speak to Darryl as I requested

I lean back in my chair and close my eyes. Killing Max’s warriors might have just started a war, taking Max and holding him could cause even more damage. I can’t let him go, not while he’s linked with my 

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mate, not while his life is connected to Anna’s. The only way this will end is with Max dead after I challenge him for the right to mate Anna. A rejection won’t be enough in the eyes of the packs, and I don’t believe Max will accept a rejection from a fullblooded Omega 


Rick, double up patrols and tell the warriors to report any suspicious activity.I mind link with my Head Warrior. Max still has a warrior out there, that combined with the ones who took Anna is still unknown to us. We need to make sure we don’t encounter any surprises. Just as I’m about to steal a thirtyminute power nap a knock sounds on the office 


Enter.I sign out, Goddess forbid I have 30 minutes to myself. My mother sticks her head around the door

Sorry to bother you, Henry. I thought you might like to know Anna is awake.I’m out of my chair before she finishes the sentence, I quickly sidestep my mother and dash for my bedroom. When I get there. I stop at the door. I quickly run my hands through my beard and hair, check. my shirt is not oddly tucked into my Levi’s and slowly enter the room


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