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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 20

My Alpha


I’m pleading with Winter to reject Max as our mate, I’m confused by Fractions presence but also not. It feels right that he is here, but I don’t understand it. Sometime between pleading with Winter and shouting at the Goddess for help I realise Fraction has gone. I didn’t see him leave, I needed him, and he just left me, I felt somewhat stronger with him by my side. I can feel the flames are getting closer to us, I can’t imagine anything good will happen once they reach us. If Fraction is right and this is just a dream I need to wake up. I’ve fought too hard for my life for it to be taken away because some asshat Alpha decided I was his. Just as I’m about to be consumed by the flames I hear Winter, in a small voice say, I reject you Max. as my mate and Alpha.Suddenly the flames around me go down, as if by magic the grass slowly starts to turn green, the once red sky is now breaking apart to show some blue areas. I think we did it, thank you Winter.” 

I wake with a start. The first thing I realise is I’m not in the cage. I’m not sure where I am. Wherever it is, it smells good. Like white. chocolate and freshly made books, I turn to my right and see a set of black drawers with a lamp on it. The wooden floor is scattered in jeans. and shirts, apparently the person who owns this room doesn’t believe in laundry baskets. The bed I’m in is massive; it could easily fit three or four wolves

I’m so glad you’re awake, Anna. I’ve just linked with the doctor, he’s on his way now.Im startled when I hear that voice, I turn to my left and start to cry

Momma Beth?I can’t believe she’s here


My Alpha 

285 Wouchers 

Hi sweet girl, you had us all worried for a while there.A man comes into the room he’s out of breath and carrying a leather satchel. He’s smaller than James but taller than I am, judging from his sterile smell this must be the doctor. He walks to the bed and starts taking things from his bag. Nothing too scary looking, thank Goddess

Anna, I’m Doctor Lee, I’m the pack doctor here.He must be new, the last pack doctor was an elderly woman, I’m glad to see you awake, although I wasn’t expecting it to be so soon.He starts taking my temperature, your temperature has come down and you no longer smell of infection. How’s your neck?” 

I slowly reach up and run my fingers over the mating mark, I can’t feel the pain anymore but it’s still very much there. It doesn’t hurt anymore.I tell the doctor, he carefully turns my head to the side to inspect the mark

It seems to be fading, it looks like you and your wolf have successfully rejected the mark.He starts saying other things, but I block him out. The smell of white chocolate and freshly made books has just become even stronger, I look over to the door and lock my eyes with Fraction. Mate!I all but growl out. It’s low and very unlike me. Fraction falls to his knees with tears running down into his beard

The doctor quickly leaves after my announcement. I didn’t hear a single word he said after Fraction walked into the room. As if all at once the green eyes in my dreams, the wolves running together, the smells I can’t place, all make sense. Winter has been telling me for a long time that Fraction is my mate. That Leo is hers

How long?Fraction looks up at me confused, he’s still kneeling on the floor beside the bed. How long have you known who we are to each other?He takes my hand in his and a shot of electricity shoots through me, it’s not unpleasant. I could enjoy this feeling forever

Since the first time I saw you.He says in a low voice. I’m shocked

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he’s known about this for three years and never told me

Three years! Three years and you never said anything. You kept me here like some sidekick friend, ignored me, refused to swear me into the pack and pawned me off to your Beta all the while knowing I’m your mate!I’m enraged, does he not want me? Am I really so damaged that even my mate would ignore me for three years. Fraction gets off the floor and sits on the end of the bed

It wasn’t easy, little wolf. Alphas can sense their mate from a very young age but if we meet our mate while they are still pups it’s against our laws to tell them. Our wolves put up this wall that doesn’t allow us to be anything but a protector to them. It stops any unfortunate incidents from happening, it also protects the pup until they are ready.I can see the truth in his eyes but after everything I’ve gone through and now this, I’m not ready to let go of my rage

And let me guess now I’m 18 and lying broken in your bed you think what? That I’ll just spread my legs and let you mate me?I’ve shocked him, I don’t really mean what I said. I have this rage in me and it’s bubbling over

Goddess no Anna. How could you think that of me? I’ve searched for you for almost a year, killed wolves to get you back and locked a foreign Alpha in my cells. I’ve sat by your side for days, neglecting the pack to help you heal. I somehow got dragged into your dream and I helped you reject what was forced upon you. Not once has the thought of mating you even crossed my mind; I just wanted you to wake up and be whole again.I can see the truth in Fraction’s green eyes, I can also see the pain my words caused him

I’m sorry Fraction. I I didn’t mean what I said.I cast my eyes down, I’m ashamed of myself. Fraction puts a finger under my chin and brings my eyes to his, Don’t be sorry Anna. You, of all people, are allowed to be angry.” 




My Apha 

1288 Vouchers 

Did you get John?I ask suddenly, remembering my brother at the farmhouse with all the females and rogues

John? Your brother, John?Fraction sounds confused, of course he would think John died when they attacked the Mountain Pack

He’s the one who took me, well his rogues, but he sold me to Max. He made sure I was punished daily, he’s holding all the other females. We have to help them, Fraction! We can’t just leave them there to be raped and beaten!My voice has risen to a shout by the time I’m done. The look on Fraction’s face is one I will never forget. He’s blaming himself. I can see it in his eyes. He stands from the bed and walks to the window

I’m so sorry Anna. I should have made sure all of the Mountain Pack died that day.” 

It’s not your fault he turns to look at me and I can see the anguish on his face 

Isn’t it? If I and the other Alphas made sure they were all dead none of this would have happened. Now he has countless females, he stole my mate and had her beaten andandhe can’t get the words out; his voice is cracking from the pain he feels


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