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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 21

The Sadness Bubble 


I’m back in the cage, it smells like I remember it, like death, S*x and sweat have forever stained the walls around me. The women in the other cages are all silent. It was never silent here. I listen hard for the noise of S*x and chatter above me. There is nothing. I notice a tall figure standing in the dark just out of reach of my cage. I sniff but I can’t smell anything. I try to shout out but only silence leaves my mouth

Little wolf, little wolf, let me in.a voice sounds from the figure before me. As my eyes adjust, I can sort of make out that it’s a male. I still can’t make a sound

I’ll pry, I’ll pull, and I’ll stretch your legs around meI don’t like this person, whoever they are they’re not friendly to me. I look around and the women have all disappeared. I’m no longer in my cage, I’m spread eagle on a bed, tied down by ropes that are cutting into my skin. I’m surrounded by silky red satin. I know this room: I fell asleep in this room. Blood runs down my arms as the rope cuts into my wrists

Little wolf, little wolf. Let. Me. In,I turn to the voice and before me stands Fraction. Except it’s not, his hair is a mess, his beard is gone, no more are the chiselled abs I’ve come to enjoy looking at, in their place is a beer belly. His once adoring green eyes are yellow and filled with rage. Let. Me. In.With each word he gets closer and closer

I volt out of the bed covered in sweat, Fraction’s shirt is sticking to me. My hair is soaked. I can’t catch my breath

Anna, what happened?Fraction is up and in front of me in no time at 



all. I back away from his confused look, he holds his hands up in a display that tells me he means no harm. I dash for the ensuite bathroom and lock the door behind me. Anna, open the door!Fraction is pounding on the bathroom door


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