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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 245

With the vital energy unleashed from the point of the sword and in a respectful manner, Austin moved the bones of the Great Sage Cloud into the grave he had just dug. He then buried the shell of this once powerful cultivator with sand and soil from the cave. A pile of mound was made to serve as his tomb.

To further show his respect for the dead, Austin stepped back and bowed to the heap for a few moments, before he turned his attention to the little silver ball on the bed.

'Could this be some kind of treasure?' he wondered. This might explain why the Great Sage Cloud kept it hidden under his body even during his final moments.

After hesitating for a while, Austin went up and took the ball in his hand, studying it carefully.

However, the very instant when his breath touched the ball, it suddenly started vibrating. A burst of silver light emanated from within. Austin narrowed his eyes in order to see through the dazzling light, and discovered some words hovering in the air.

"He who would help me rest in peace must uphold honesty and faith. All my life I have appreciated the honorable and despise the opposite. An honorarium is thus waiting for you." Austin read the words as the silver light kept illuminating the space.

"This silver ball is a crystallization of my lifetime's achievements. Take it as a reward and use it well."

Before Austin could even digest the words, the words slowly disappeared after lingering in the air for a few more seconds.

'What does he mean, the crystallization of what he has achieved? Does it have something to do with cultivation?'

Questions began erupting inside Austin's head like fireworks. He still stared blankly at the place where those words once rested after they were gone.

The next instant, instead of being enlightened with the words he just saw, Austin was struck by a refreshing wave of light. In his surprise, Austin saw the fist-sized silver ball shake more violently, and suddenly it exploded with a light but clear sound.

The light did not fade away, but the ball turned into a cloud of thick silver smoke that rushed towards Austin, surrounding him and eventually enveloping him.

The next thing he knew, a refined force surged rapidly through his entire body. He could feel that it was a high-quality vital energy force which enveloped him. In the blink of an eye, Austin was unable to move a single muscle.

Then, as Austin struggled to free himself, the silver smoke began to flow, and seeped in his body through his pores and acupoints.

At the same time, Austin felt that the vital energy quickly accumulated within him before it suddenly permeated into his energy meridians like a river rushing through. Austin started to breathe deeply while the vital energy flushed into him like the rivers pouring into the sea.

As the vital energy filled him, streams of it met and converged in his meridians. They formed a strong tidal current and began to open and enlarge his energy meridians as they pushed through.

This process was accompanied by the crackle of his body.

Austin was no stranger to the sound of body transformation, and he knew that the sound he heard now indicated that his energy meridians were expanding. They were growing so fast that he felt they would burst if they continued expanding. But they didn't stop there, instead, the speed of expansion kept accelerating all over his body.

And what was even more amazing was that his organs were being refashioned at the same time! After he mastered the Overlord Body-refining Formula, his organs were refined to a hardened state, which enabled him to take other cultivators' attacks without getting his organs ruptured easily.

Now, with the large amount of vital energy he inherited from the Great Sage Cloud coursing through his veins, the shields that had been protecting his body seemed to have been more enhanced. He could feel that the outer layer of his organs were turning hard as iron, and they even made clicking sounds every time he took a deep breath.

'What? Wait a second ...' Austin sensed that a rush was coming over him. 'I'm close to a breakthrough, right now!'

It took him only a few seconds to realize that this was a sign that he was about to make a breakthrough in his cultivation level.

Austin was ecstatic, and he was definitely not gonna let this opportunity pass. After all, the higher the cultivation level a cultivator had achieved, the harder it would be for him to make another breakthrough.

So ever since Austin had refined at the Earth Realm, he found that his cultivation speed had slowed dramatically. It was much slower than when he was still at the Energy Gathering Realm.

Of course, he would not pass up such a rare chance to progress even further!

There was no time to waste, so he sat immediately with his legs crossed. He placed his hands in front of him closer to his Elixir Field, with palms facing but not touching each other. He closed his eyes, quieted his mind as he prepared for his meditation.

Slowly and steadily, he allowed his consciousness to enter his body, and guide the silver vital energy in order to make a breakthrough.


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