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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 246

Austin was sitting in the room and his mind was a complete blank at that moment. It was almost as if he was not a person but some other non-animate object. Silver vital energy covered his entire body and inside of it, a huge amount of vital energy was flowing around powerfully like a great river.

The flow of the silver vital energy was condensed from the energy of the Great Sage Cloud. Since the Great Sage had been at the Holy Realm, his vital energy was obviously much stronger than Austin's. Whenever the silver vital energy met the gold vital energy inside Austin's body, the gold one would retreat back to his elixir field.

However, its retreat did not imply that the light golden vital energy Austin's Golden Sun Scripture had produced was at a lower grade than the silver vital energy of the Great Sage Cloud. In fact, both of these energies possessed the same intensity but Austin had just begun to practice his scripture while the Great Sage Cloud was extremely advanced. Just like a talented kid could not defeat an adult, Austin's early stage energy was less developed than Great Sage's advanced vital energy.

However, Austin's body did not reject the external energy like tissue rejecting foreign object. On the contrary, it gradually assimilated the entire energy bit by bit and nourished every single cell of his body. With time, this external energy became a part of his body.

The Great Sage Cloud had mastered his energy and especially prepared it for a youngster from the next generation. This meant that the energy would have become a part of anyone who was lucky enough to find it and his body would not reject it.

Therefore, it wasn't long before Austin sensed that the silver energy flowing inside his meridian was combining with his own golden energy. His body wasn't rejecting it and it was becoming a part of him. In fact, it would have been difficult to tell them apart now if they weren't of different colors. The silver and gold strands shone at the same time inside him and nourished him completely.

The glitter this combination was exuding did not confine itself to the inside of his body, but rather, it surfaced out to his skin and he began to glow.

Violet saw to her great astonishment that the silver light surrounding Austin's body was slowly getting absorbed and becoming faint. Suddenly, it vanished in a second and the next moment, a combination of the two energies came out of Austin's body and his aura became stronger. The light was now shining alternatively in silver and gold.

As if oblivious to these changes, Austin sat still like a god. His entire body was bathed in the double colored light and it was shining brightly and dazzlingly. A deep tune could now be heard faintly as if some ancient god was chanting in the sky.

Austin, seemed to have become a god right now, giving off silver and golden strands of energy which pervaded the whole room as if it was a fairy land.

Violet, standing not far from her master, was stunned. 'What cultivation method is my master practicing right now? What is happening around him is a virtual miracle? How is that possible? Is it because of the Great Sage?' she was wondering.

In the end, the calm and placid environment suddenly changed.


A powerful and low sound burst out of Austin's body. All of a sudden, Violet felt that some invisible force was spreading out from his master's body. It was so strong that even she could not bear it.


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