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The Sweet Plunder Of CEO novel Chapter 39

"What if the police ask me to be responsible for it? Can I refuse? Besides, Director Hu is the director of the police department. No matter how capable we are, we can't fight against him!" Howard stood up and said anxiously.

Lena fell silent. After thinking for a while, she suddenly asked, "How badly is Layton hurt?"

"It's very serious. When I received the call from his classmate, he was covered in blood all over his body and unconscious. The doctor said that the brain damage is serious and if he can't be cured... If he can't be cured, he will die. If he can be cured, he might become a vegetative patient. " Howard shook his head and sighed helplessly.

Nicole peeped at the door, not seeing in his eyes his love as a father to his son.

Lena suddenly walked up to Howard and said, "We can't let Layton die like this. Even if he wants to die, we have to let him sign the organ transplant agreement first. Otherwise, according to Nicole's character, she will never allow us to touch Layton's body."

Howard looked at Lena in surprise. Lena continued, "We can't let the police take Layton away. Even if he have to leave, he has to do an organ transplant operation before leaving. Otherwise, if he must be in prison for a long time, our daughter won't be able to wait him for so long and will die!"

Howard kept silent. He looked at Layton and sighed. It seemed that his conscience had awakened a little and he said in a low voice, "I think it... It is sorry for Layton."

Lena got angry. She grabbed Howard's arm and whispered in his ear like a leader, "If you feel sorry for him, what about our daughter? Don't you care about our precious daughter? Our precious daughter is getting thinner and thinner day by day, suffering from the pain of illness. Do you still have the mood to care about anything else at this moment? Now we have two things to do. One is to ask Layton to sign the organ transplant agreement, and the other is to ask Layton to do this operation before the police took Layton away. We don't care about other thing else. Do you understand?"

Lowering his head, Howard neither nodded nor shook his head.

Nicole was really disappointed. 'Lena is really vicious, Layton has been hurt like this. She is still thinking about how to get Layton's kidney, is she not afraid of being retaliated by God?

At this time, the sound of medical equipment suddenly came from the ward. Howard took a look at Layton and rushed to him in surprise, "Layton, Layton?"

Lena was also surprised. She went forward to have a look, but Lena was just worried that she couldn't get his kidney after Layton died.

Outside the door, Nicole saw that Layton's body was trembling, and the electrocardiograph machine beside him showed obviously in a straight line. Nicole was so scared that she hurriedly pushed the door open, pulled Howard away, and then cried anxiously in front of Layton, "Layton, Layton?"

Layton frowned in pain and didn't wake up at all, so Nicole quickly pressed the bedside caller and called the doctor and nurse over.

Because Layton's ward was a special ward for severe illness, the doctor and nurse arrived immediately after hearing the calling. The doctor briefly checked Layton's situation and hurriedly asked the nurse to invite the family members out.

Standing outside the door, Nicole watched the doctor give Layton a defibrillation instrument for his heart recovery. But no matter how much pressure was used, even if Layton's whole body was shaking, the route on the electrocardiogram machine was still straight.

The doctor gave Layton auscultation for a while, and arranged for the nurse: "Arrange immediately and send to the emergency room!"

The nurse went out to arrange very cleverly, and after a while they pushed Layton out.

Nicole was so anxious that tears fall down in her eyes, but she didn't notice it at all. She felt her heart was clenched and unable to breathe. Following the doctor and nurses all the way, she asked, "Doctor, how is my brother? How is he now?"

The doctor didn't dare to answer. When he sent Layton into the emergency room and changed his clothes, he turned around and said, "The patient is in danger now. We will try our best to save him, but the family members should also be mentally prepared!"

He nodded to encourage and comfort Nicole, and then quickly entered the emergency room.

At that moment, Nicole felt that the sky was going to collapse. 'Is the family that I has tried hard to run and maintain going to break up at this moment? I has tried my best to protect my brother for many years. Is he going to leave me as ruthlessly as my mother?'

Nicole sat on the chair weakly, staring at the ground in a daze.

Lena seemed to be anxious as well. She glanced at Howard and signaled him to go forward to talk to Nicole. However, Howard shook his head in grief and didn't want to do anything.

Lena became anxious. She came up to Nicole and said, "We don't want anything bad to happen to your brother, but I think saving a life is better that anything. If he is really dead, you can ask him to do a good deed to wash away the sins you and your mother have committed. It's also a good thing."

Nicole knew what Lena was up to. Lena was so inhumane that Lena dared to irritate her at this moment!

Chapter 39 1

Chapter 39 2

Chapter 39 3


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