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The Three Little Guardian Angels novel Chapter 1324

Chapter 1324 

The wolf won the game when the shepherds quarreled. Of course, they were able to get her. 

Nolan narrowed his eyes. “Is everyone already in their positions?” 

Quincy nodded. “Yes. We‘ve got people watching the sea, near the airport, and the state highways.” 

He turned around and went out. “Then, let‘s roll out.” 

When Cecile arrived at the pier, she saw that there were a few cars around the pier. She stopped her car and made a call. * Where are you?” 

The voice from the other side of the line told her that they were still on their way

They also told her that there was a roadblock along the way

Cecile stared at the few cars on the pier, and her face slowly turned grim. “You guys don‘t need to come here anymore. You guys try to get yourself out of there first.” 

Before the person could say anything, she ended the call decisively. She threw a look at the pier and left. 

Meanwhile, Maisie and Saydie came out of Glitz. Just when she was about to get into her car, her phone rang. 

When she saw it was an unknown caller number, she hesitated for a while before answering it. “Hello.” 

“It‘s me.” 

Maisie frowned. “Ms. Wolfsbane?” ‘Cecile should be on the run right now. Why would she call me?‘ 

The woman on the phone chuckled, “What a good show you and Mr. Goldmann have put up. You nearly got me.” 

Something crossed Maisie‘s eyes, and she smiled. “What do you mean, Ms. 


Cecile looked out of the window and said,” You guys aren‘t going to get divorced, are you? You worked together to stage a show to force me to show my true face, right?“: She had sent Brian to check if it was true that they were getting a divorce. When Brian suddenly said he would turn himself in, she knew he must have been busted. 

However, a few cars were on the pier, and her men were still stuck halfway down the road due to a roadblock. 


Maisie‘s face sank. “No matter how bad the relationship betweeny Linda and me was, you shouldn‘t have killed her, Maxine.” 

Cecile laughed. Even when her identity was revealed, she didn‘t deny it or get nervous. “As I expected, you guys already know who Tam. It‘s no fun to be found out like this. It isn‘t challenging at all.” 


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