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The Three Little Guardian Angels novel Chapter 1325

Chapter 132

“And that kind older sister of mine. I‘m grateful that she gave me the opportunity to study at the Turner Institute of Art, but in reality, she still thought that I was inferior to her. She was worried that I would bring disgrace to her, so she told me what to do in my studies. Whenever my teacher complimented me, they‘d be dalling her name. I hated her. I hated her more than anything in this world. 

Therefore, when Rowena burned her to death, I was finally free. I didn‘t have to live as her shadow anymore.” 

Maisie felt a chill down her spine when she heard what she said. She took a deep breath and asked, “What do you mean by telling me this?” 

You still don‘t know, right? About Sue‘s death,” Cecile laughed, “Why do you think Rowena could kill Sue? Even when a living person is in a deep sleep, they will wake up nonetheless during a fire due to the smoke. You guys think Rowena started the fire after killing Sue? Well, you are wrong.” 

Maisie felt a tingle on her scalp. Sue had died during a fire. They all had been under the impression that Rowena had started the fire to destroy the evidence that would point at her for killing Sue. 

When Maisie had gone to look at Sue‘s place, the house owner had said that the door was locked from the inside. Now that she thought about it, she realized that they had overlooked one thing! 

If Rowena had started the fire after killing Sue, she would not have needed to lock the door. 

After all, Sue was dead. By the time the fire 

was put out, she would have already been charred and unlikely to be alive. Locking the door of the room from inside would only 

arouse more suspicion. 

At that moment, Cecile‘s calm voice wafted into Maisie‘s ear. “This is because I killed her through Rowena‘s hands.” 



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