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The Trap Of Ace novel novel Chapter 4

The name that used to give me flutters in my tummy, now only added fuel to something that was smoldering inside me for years.

I didn't want to be called with that name anymore.

"I didn't think my Rosebud could stay mad at me for that long," he drawled out as I kept quiet, eyes searching for something on my face.

My Rosebud?

Whatever you see on my face, Achilles Valencian, but you won't find the fifteen years old sister of your best friend there. Because she died that night because of you. And the irony was, it wasn't even your fault.

"Don't call me that!" My voice came out much like a snap. When he raised a brow, I tried to cool down my nerves. I couldn't show him my anger. And though how much right it seemed, he wasn't at any fault.

He didn't even know.

"I- I've a name. And I'd prefer to be called by that. I don't like when someone calls me with nicknames," I clarified.

The side of his lips quirked up. "I know your name. But you will always be Rosebud for me." He leaned in, his hot breath fanning my earlobe. "Though this Rosebud of mine now bloomed into a beautiful rose."

My heart stuttered.

Whispers of the past echoed in my mind.

"Really?" I'd brightened up like a Christmas tree. "That means you will marry me?"

He'd bit his lip, his eyes lit up with amusement. "I'm sorry, Rosebud! But I can't."

"Why not?" I pouted.

"Because it's not the right time. You're still so young."

"Then when will be the right time?" I'd gazed up at him with so much hope.

"When you turn into a blooming rose from a rose bud."

A shaky breath left my lips, a squeezing pain shot through my chest. My eyes stung with forbidden memories. He… remembered?

But then flashes of that night floated across. My throat tightened, causing me to ball my fists.

I gulped, it felt like acid burning inside me. I needed air!

Moving out of his arms, I pushed him away. Surprise flashed across his eyes, and then something like concern took over his features. Not wanting to stay there any longer, I turned around and walked away. As fast as I could without creating a scene.

"Rosebud!" He called after me, his voice closer. At my peripheral vision, I saw Tobias going to him, maybe to stop him from following me.

"Em? Where are you going?"

Ignoring Warner's question, I ran out there and didn't stop until I was at the serenity of the huge balcony.

Gripping the railing, I breathed in the cold night air. Up in the sky, hung the half curved moon, surrounded by gazillions of twinkling stars. They winked at me, as if mocking me for my pathetic feelings.

A lone tear escaped my eye as the cool breeze touched my face. And then I let some more to fall free. Tears that I'd been succeeding to put in for years.

My hand clutched my chest as I felt the same pain it felt that night. As if someone has sliced the old wounds open.

Biting my lip hard, I attempted to stop those tears. Seven years. Seven freaking years! And here I was, still mourning over the heartache I got as a punishment of my foolishness. Seven years, and it still pained me physically to remember the loss.

I was still afraid of meeting him. I was still a coward. That's why I tagged Warner along. I needed support. I knew one way or another, in these two weeks I'd have to face him. I'd been trying to escape from him after that night. I'd avoided him like a plague. Even if it was impossible for some occasions to avoid him before I went to high school to another city, I hadn't looked at him. I didn't look at his face or into his eyes, because I knew, I knew if I made the mistake to look up, he would see it. He would see it all.

And he would find out how pathetic I was for believing in his words he said to a nine years old naive kid, not to break her fragile heart.

I thought, I will forget him if I go away. So I went to live in a different city. I thought, if I dated other men, I would forget him. So I dated a lot of men. If I toughen myself up, I'd be able to wipe him from my memories.

But no. Just one glance, and some mere words threw me back to where I'd stood years ago. All my attempts failed.

"Why?" I whispered, my voice quivering.

Why can't I just move on?! After all these years, why can't I just not feel anything? Why does it still hurt?

Fuck you, Achilles Valencian! Fuck you for fucking up my life!

I wiped my face when I felt a presence behind me. A glass of orange juice was held before me.

"Just give me a moment, Warner. I will be inside in a while."

"Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not your boyfriend. He is enjoying his drink very much with your brother inside."

I snapped my head to him. He followed me here?

Stormy grey eyes were dark with… anger, shadowed jaw was clenched. His charcoal suit gleamed under the moonlight as he towered over me. Even after these years, I could only reach his broad shoulders with my five feet four inches.

And the way he pronounced the word 'boyfriend' with malice, didn't go unnoticed by me. I didn't like that tone at all.

"Why are you here?" I took a step back. His close proximity suffocated me.

He covered the distance I created between us, handing me the glass. "Came to see if you're okay."

You didn't come to see me all these years.

"You don't need to be concerned about my well-being." I ran my free hand over my arm as chilling air kissed my bare skin.

A muscle of his jaw ticked. Shrugging off his jacket, he placed it over my shoulders. I tried to go away from his overwhelming presence, but he held me in place and secured it around me. His intoxicating scent filled my senses. "I will always be concerned for your well-being, Emerald. I can't stop doing it even if I want. And I won't."

"Why?" I looked up into his intense grey. His arms still around me. Why wasn't I pulling away?

"Because I care for you."

As a little sister?

A sourness rose up my throat.

"And why do you care for me?" I asked, my tone bitter.

Leaning in, he snuggled my hair against his nose, breathing me in. A shiver ran down my spine. Then he pulled away and peered into my soul, briefly glancing down at my parted lips.

"Let's keep the answer for another day. Let the time unfold the inevitable of its own." Tucking a strand behind my ear, he turned around and strode away, leaving me standing there. Cold and confused.

What did he mean by inevitable?

Whatever, I didn't care. Looking back up at the sky, I took a deep breath to calm myself down. Once feeling more controlled, I sauntered back inside.

I found him at the feet of the huge staircase, talking to a bald middle aged man. But his eyes were on me.

Averting my stare, I stopped a passer by waiter.

His Rosebud? 1

His Rosebud? 2


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