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The Trap Of Ace novel novel Chapter 7

The amber rays colored the horizon, manifesting a crown of crimson and pink above the setting sun. Lines of birds flew alongside across the sky in the direction of their shelter; melodic twitters of them felt like an announcement for the darkness to befall.

I took in a deep breath, filling my lungs with the cool evening air.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Dad said, sitting on the car hood beside me.

I nodded, a smile curved onto my lips. "Yes, very. Thank you for bringing me here, Dad. It's been so long since I last visited. I really missed our sunrises and sunsets."

We used to come to this meadow at least once a week. Well, at least me, Dad and Tobias. Mom and Tess were too lazy to join every time. It was like a tradition for us. The tradition my grandfather started with Dad. But after my shifting to NY, I couldn't join Dad and Tobias anymore.

"Me too, princess. Without you, our visits here didn't have the same meaning." His tone filled with nostalgia.

"Yeah, that idiot had all the fun for himself," I joked, mentioning my brother. He couldn't join us due to an important meeting this evening. "But I'm happy that you came here with me this time. It's my turn today to have all the fun." I grinned.

Chuckling, he shook his head. "Nah, our time here became pretty boring as even Achilles stopped joining us after you left for your high school."

My smile slipped at the mention of his name.

He used to accompany us regularly to watch the sunrises and sunsets. But after his father's death, his visits became less, until it stopped totally. I still remember my extra enthusiasm for the ride here even at four in the morning to see him. Meeting him was more important for me than watching anything else.

I heard Dad heaving a sigh. "Sometimes we've to let go of the past to live our present, Emerald. Because until you live your present, you won't be able to accept your future."

I knew what he was trying to say. Though my family hadn't said anything, but I knew everyone'd sensed my distance with Ace even after so many years. But I couldn't explain anything to them even if I wanted. They didn't know the whole truth, so they couldn't understand.

"But what if it's too difficult to let go of the past?"

His blue gaze locked with mine. "Nothing is impossible, sweetheart. Sometimes we indulge ourselves so deep in our pain that we can't see anything past that. All you've to do is, open your heart a little more, be a little more greater, and let go of the grudges. Don't let the past hold you from your happiness of the present."

I put my head on his shoulder, saying nothing.

Could I do it? Could I be that brave to let go of everything and move on? I haven't been able to in years.

The buzz of my phone cut my thoughts.

"Who is it?"

I put my phone back. "Casie. She and Beth want us to have dinner together at our regular."

Nodding his head, his gaze turned back to the chromatic horizon.

After spending some more time talking and refreshing memories, we headed back to home. Once dropping him off, I turned the car around and drove to Nova's Diner, where the girls were waiting for me.

But all the way, the only thing that consumed my mind was, Dad's words. I knew he was right. I couldn't let go of the past because I held grudges. Grudges against my sister, grudges against Ace, grudges against myself.

I could understand the reason I blamed Tess and myself, for being so naive. But Ace, he didn't deserve my hatred. He'd never promised to take care of my heart that I'd blamed him to break it. But the heart couldn't see anything other than its ache. And it knew, it'd to hurt others if it wanted to prevent another ache.

After talking to Tess last night, I decided to give us another chance. Maybe it was time to let go. Even if it was just a tiny step, but it was something. I couldn't just hold over something that happened years ago.

And maybe, it wasn't all I thought it was. Last night's conversation flashed in my mind.

"Did you love him?"

Her eyes didn't flicker as she answered, "No."

"Then why did you do it? Why did you do it even after knowing that you'd be hurting me by doing that?" I asked, my voice was desperate.

A look of sorrow had covered her features. "I didn't want to hurt you, Em. I'd never hurt my little sister like that, no matter how much we were different from each other."

"Then why?"

She'd casted me a look of apology. "I'm sorry, Em. I can't tell you why. But you will know, soon."

She didn't explain anything after that, just told me to think over her request and left, leaving me alone and confused.

What was she hiding? I didn't know.


"So you decided to forgive her?" asked Casie, raising a brow.

I shrugged, twirling the fork into my spaghetti.

"I'm happy that you're solving your problems with your sister, Em. Life is too short to hold grudges forever. I agree with your Dad." Beth smiled.

Casie scoffed. "These things only sounds good in your stupid books. They're not that brilliant in real life. Once a bitch, always a bitch."

"Casie!" I sent her a look of reprimand, causing her to roll her eyes and taking a sip from her smoothie.

"I wouldn't forgive my sister if she'd done something like that to me. Thank God, I don't have one!" she remarked.

Beth scowled at her. "Don't listen to her, Em! You do whatever your heart says." She wiggled in her seat. "Uh, now that you forgave Tess, will you consider doing the same to Achi…"

"I don't want to talk about him right now, Beth. Let me just enjoy my dinner right now with you guys, will you?" There was nothing to forgive Ace in the first place, but trying to get my relationship good with him meant sacrificing my heart again. And I knew better. Just some days more, and then I will be gone. Far away from him.

"Well, I see your wish didn't get granted at all," Casie commented, looking at her right.

"What're you talking about?" My eyes widened when I followed her gaze to the furthest corner of the diner.

Followed a gasp from Beth. "What's he doing here?"

Three suited men and a woman in her twenty something sat around the table. She sat right beside him, too close to just be a business associate. With fiery red hair, porcelain skin and soft features, she was gorgeous.

At something one of those men said, she laughed delicately placing a hand on his shoulder. And he too reciprocated with a soft smile he only displayed on rare occasions.

A pang felt in my chest, my eyes set on her hand on his shoulder. Turning around, I gulped the lump down my throat.

"Oohoo, I thought he didn't have any barbies in his life." Casie whistled.

"Casie!" Beth hissed, throwing me a concerned glance.

Casie straightened. "I'm sorry, Em. I didn't mean to… we can leave if you want."

I waved my hand in dismissal. "No need. I don't care if he is here or not, or whom he brought here. We're here to enjoy our dinner, and we will just do that." I casted another glance back at them. She was now whispering something in his ear; the grip on my fork tightened.

"You sure?" Beth whispered.

I nodded, putting a spoonful of spaghetti in my mouth, not wanting to give them any attention. But it was difficult when her high-pitched laughter burned my ears.

Beth and Casie sent daggers at them with their hostile looks.

"Look at him! Getting so comfortable with that leech, and here I thought his sending you messages and flowers meant something."

"Will you shut up, Cass?" Beth glared and then looked at me. "She could be just a friend. And after what he did and said at the race track, it proves that he likes you. I don't think he is that shallow that he'd try to pursue one and roam around with another."

"I don't think so, look at them. They look too cosy to be just friends," remarked Casie.

Another pang made me grit my teeth. "I don't care if they're friends or not. Why should I anyway? It's not that I'm his girlfriend or something. And whatever he did yesterday, it didn't mean anything. So let's just forget about it."

Jealousy 1

Jealousy 2


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