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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2119


Suddenly, the main door was forced open. Then, the family’s disciple who was sweating profusely, ran in panicked, shouting loudly, “Oh no, the North Moana grand army is here. They have already destroyed Mount Hua, and are now heading towards Yunzhou City.”

Everyone from the Carter family members to the sect warriors woke up from their daydreams after hearing the shouting. Their expressions had changed.

‘Megan wasn’t lying.’

‘The North Moana Continent is here.’

At that same time, everyone felt conflicted.

Megan was captured around five to six hours ago. If everyone had believed her and rushed to Mount Hua in time, perhaps they might have been able to stop the North Moana army.


Susan was in shock as she rushed into the room and shouted, “Hurry! Everyone please gather all your disciples to support Yunzhou city.”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All the sects started to light the emergency fireworks. TheInstantly, the sky above the Carter Mansion was instantly lit up with beautiful fireworks, but no one was enjoying it. Everyone looked worried and terrible.

Over ten minutes later, all the sects had sent their disciples to gather at the Carter Mansion. There were hundreds and thousands of them, and everyone moved towards Yunzhou City immediately.

Meanwhile, at the Sun Set Sect in the Yellow Sea Continent, Jackie was no longer dressing like a man after her female identity had been revealed. Now she was wearing a long dress. She had also allowed Darryl to continue treating her injury.

Of course, due to the recent misunderstanding, Jackie did not use the medicated bath method anymore. She got Darryl to change to another treatment method.

However, although she allowed Darryl to continue to be her doctor, Jackie did not change her attitude towards Darryl. She continued to shout and order him, just like how she treated a servant.

In Jackie’s heart, Darryl had seen her body which was extremely deviant. She considered herself generous for not killing him. How could she treat him well?

Under such circumstances, Darryl was really frustrated.

Soon, two days had passed, and Darryl sat on a chair in a room, looking out the window. He saw a few female disciples were guarding the door as he sighed quietly, wanting to cry but had no tears.

Not only was he being ordered around by Jackie, there were also people guarding him all the time. When would he be able to leave the Sun Set Sect?


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