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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2331

Jackie did not stop until she had struck him dozens of times. Then, she smiled smugly and asked, “What about now? Feel like talking?”


“Just kill me.” Darryl was barely breathing. Of course, even though the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda was precious, his own life was more important. He knew that once he told her about the spell, Jackie would not need him any longer; she would not let him go. On the other hand, as long as he kept his mouth shut, Jackie would not be able to do anything to him.


“Why you—” Jackie stomped her feet in frustration. “Fine, have it your way. You think that I won’t be able to find out the secret of the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda myself? Since you’re so fearless, you can stay here for the rest of your life then.”


Darryl was right; Jackie would never kill him. After all, Darryl was reputable and well-known across all of Nine Mainland. They would hunt her down if she had killed him. Jackie strolled forward and unsealed Darryl’s acupoint with a sneer. “I hope you rot in here.”


Jackie had thought about it. If Darryl could figure out the secret of the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, then she could do the same too. However, she did not know that Darryl had found the pagoda at the bottom of Fuyao Palace in its original size, so it was not difficult for him to see the spell carved on the top of the tower. The pagoda had transformed into the size of a pendant, so she might not be able to see the spell. There was no way Jackie could find the spell even if she spent decades on it.


“What are you doing?” Darryl asked weakly; he was surprised. Even though she had unsealed his acupoints, he had been whipped multiple times. He was drained; he could not even move a finger. Jackie replied with a silent grin and turned to walk out of the cave.


Baam! Baam! Baam!


Almost instantaneously, Jackie raised her palms and pounded on the cave entrance. Then, with a deafening rumble, rocks crumbled and sealed the opening in a matter of seconds.

“Farewell, Darryl. Don’t say that I did not give you a chance.” Jackie sneered and turned to leave toward the camp.

Darryl finally realized that Jackie had planned on trapping him there. He tried to struggle, but the excruciating pain left him immobile. Who would have thought he managed to escape Zhang Jue and Gonggong’s assassination attempt, only to be trapped in a cave by Jackie? Darryl felt helpless.

The rumbles from the Chaotic Mountain Range echoed again. Darryl could still hear and feel the earthquake even though the cave was sealed. He wanted to go check out the situation, but he did not have the strength to do that.

In his despair, he recalled an ancient poem, and he began to mumble its lines. “Abed, motionless, in a lonely village. For myself, I sorrow not. All I seek is the defense of my country’s frontier. And a station there we share. Lying in the depth of the night, I listen to the winds blowing the rain and iron-clad horses o’er frozen rivers.


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