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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2332

Darryl rejoiced in the pleasant surprise. Who would have thought that there was someone else in an abandoned cave? However, at the same time, Darryl was slightly confused. Why did that person remain silent until Jackie left? Who could it be?


Baffled, Darryl could not help but raise his voice again. “What is your name? Please show yourself!”


He heard a peal of faint laughter, but then the cave returned to its absolute silence. Darryl tried to call out a couple more times, but there was no response after that. Darryl desperately wanted to get up to investigate it, but the pain that shot through his body kept him immobile.


So, he could only remain on the ground and tried to regain his strength slowly. He was not sure how long it took, but he started to feel slightly better with time. Finally, he struggled to stand up and limped his way further into the cave.


As Darryl ventured into the depths of the cave, he was overwhelmed by the cold temperature. Then, he saw an even bigger entrance with multiple tunnels that extended from within it. However, there was nothing but an ancient rocky track that went all the way into the dark as if there was no end to it. There was so much more to that cave than he had thought. It seemed as though Jackie got him there but never investigated the entire cave properly.


Darryl could barely contain his excitement as he followed the track. The further he went, the air became less humid but colder, by the minute.

Without his internal energy to protect him, Darryl could only shiver in the cold. He could not tell how long he had been walking, but he finally reached an enormous room built with rocks, surrounded by eight walls. The name Nine Division Eight Trigrams was carved at the bottom of each wall.


The room seemed to have sat in solitary within that cave since ancient times. There was a platform in the shape of a lotus flower in the middle of the room with ancient wordings carved all over. Then, he saw an old man sitting on top of the platform.

The elderly man with silver hair wore a long black robe; his expression was calm yet authoritative with an aura that made him look almost unapproachable. The older man watched as Darryl walked into the room with a smile. It was the Ghost Valley Sage, the man that Darryl released from the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda in South Cloud World and aided his defense against the North Moana Army.

“Elder.” Darryl approached him with delight. He bowed sincerely. “I thought that I was speaking to a hero; I did not realize that it was you. It has been so long. I hope that you are well.” Darryl greeted the man earnestly. The Ghost Valley Sage was probably the only man in the world that warranted such respect from Darryl, apart from Ford South, his late master, and Zoran Carter.

Ghost Valley Sage smiled gently. “Why, yes, I have been well. Though I can hardly say the same for you.”


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