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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2482

Chapter 2482


Irritated by Darryl's confidence, Lillian snorted in disbelief. 'Will I regret not having a pervert like you around?' Just as she thought to herself, she heard buzzing noises from behind her. Lillian turned around instinctively and was  petrified  with fear once she  caught sight of  what had caused the noises. A hive of bees ernerged f rorn the boundless ocean of flowers, each the size of a hurnan fist. Their bodies shone in a cold light that sent chills down the spines of anyone who saw them. It was hard  to imagine just how excruciating it would be if one were stung by one of those bees.

When  Darryl heard  her frightened  shouts, he stopped and turned to look at Lillian with a mischievous grin.

When he saw the bees remained at their distance and flew around without approaching, Lillian shouted hurriedly in fear, ''Darren, help me.''

Amused, Darryl laughed and teased, ''Ms. Willis, didn't you say soII1ething along the lines of not allowing yourself to accept whatever help I offered and then ask Ille to leave you alone? And now you' re pleading for my assistance, which is very troubling.'' Darryl relllained relaxed and composed. The bees were poisonous and fierce, but Darryl had ingested the Red Eye King Scorpion's inner core, which not only granted him irnmunity against all poison but also gave him natural deterrence over any species of poisonous insects. Therefore, as long as Darryl was around, the bees would not dare to move, but once he was gone, Lillian would be finished.


''I-'' Lillian bit her lips and murmured, ''I was wrong. Please help me.'' Every wornan had a vulnerable side, and Lillian was no exception to that. As the leader of the Blood Thorn, she rnight be fearless when it came to gigantic beasts, but she was helpless with insects, so much so that she could feel the strength in her feet drained at the sight of those bees around her.

Darryl smiled and shook his head. ''Not a chance; you're not sincere enough.''

Lillian stomped her feet as her face turned red with rage.

''You! What on earth do you want, then?''

Darryl could not  hold back his laughter at her helpless state. ''It's notwhat I want; it's what you want. You were determined when you asked rne to go away earlier, and now you want rne to help you. Just how easy- going do you think I am?''

Pushed further into despair by Darryl's words, Lillian bit her lips harder to the brink of tearing the skin as she tried to suppress her tears.

Darryl was determined to teach her a lesson for her previous stubbornness, but when he noticed she was on the verge of tears, he smiled and said, ''Well, I can help you. But first, you need to call me your good


''Why do you-'' Lillian erupted when she heard what Darryl had to say. He is becoming more arrogant by the second. He took advantage of me not so long ago, and now he is trying to get me to call him a good brother. His shamelessness is outrageous. But if I refuse, what do I do with those bees? We are now right in the depths of the Valley of Death. He is the only person who can help me. But I can't bring myself to call him that,' she thought. Darryl sat down in one of the bushes leisurely with his arms crossed over his chest before refocusing his eyes on Lillian with a smile. ''What's it going to be, Ms. Willis? It's notlike you're going to hurt Ine by calling me a good brother. If you' re not going to do it, I'rn going to leave now."


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