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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2483

Chapter 2483

As she bit her lips, Lillian panicked and said, ''Fine, I'll say it, okay? Big Brother, Good Big Brother, Good Big Brother...'' Her face flushed as red as a ripe apple when she said that.

''Good girl.'' Darryl laughed and snickered before he casually plucked a flower nearby and tossed it at the bees. 

The bees were instantly driven away and flew off into the distance, acconipanied by panicked buzzing noises. 

The flower had no effect on the bees.

What truly scared them away was Darryl's very presence, but he had to create a decoy to keep his identity hidden. 

Lillian was shocked at how casual Darryl seerned to be. How niany secrets were there for a nian who knew the place like the back of his hand? Lillian was overwhelmed with questions, but a moment later, her attention was shifted back to what had happened earlier. Her delicate features turned crimson once again, both froni ernbarrassment and anger. She was the Blood Thorn leader and a fearless woman in the eyes of others, so she did not irnagine she would adrnit def eat to a rnan.

Just as she was deep in thoughts, her helrnet and clothing had begun to crunible. Her clothes went faster than anything else and were mostly gone in the blink of an eye, revealing the sniooth skin beneath thern. Darryl had mentioned that the deeper they went into the Valley of Death, the more powerful the poisonous fog would be. Lillian had overstayed  her  welconie, and her clothes were finally beginning to give in.

''You! Don't look!'' When she noticed Darryl's unblinking stare, Lillian chewed on her lips anxiously before she shouted, ''Another look, and I will gouge your eyes out.''

'Wow, still as fierce as ever, huh?' Darryl thought as he ignored her warning and stared even more attentively. One simply must admit that Lillian's curves were far too tempting for one to look away.

''Why, you!'' Lillian's reddened further as she regretted not accepting his help earlier.

Darryl continued to stare with a grin on his face for almost half a minute before he said, ''There's no one else here but us. Why are you so nervous? Besides, I'm just looking.

It's not like I'm going to do something to you.''

''You! I wouldn't have ended up like this if you weren't here,'' Lillian stoillped her feet in frustration.

'What a jerk, talking like this has nothing to do with him when I am in such a pathetic state,' she thought. Lillian appeared to have realized something when she refocused her gaze on Darryl and asked, ''How are you doing?''

Lillian could see that the aninial skin Darryl wore seenied to remain intact without caving under the influence of the poisonous fog. What she did not  know, however, was that it had to do with Darryl's immunity to poison, conibined with his powerful inner energy and possession of the White Lily Cold Flame. The poisonous fog could not harm him in any way.


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