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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2485

Chapter 2485

Otis had always been in love with Lillian. When he saw her in such an embarrassing state, his previous disagreement with Darryl had led him to the conclusion that Darryl was the culprit who had caused it. Instantly, the rage within hilll exploded. The other mernbers seerned to have come to the same realization and started to make their way toward Darryl, as well.

Darryl remained composed and instead turned to look at Lillian with a crooked smile. ''It seems like there's some unfair prejudice against me among your teammates, rny adorable little sister. Care to explain?''

'What the! This scum dared to call our leader his adorable little sister?' Pushed further into his blinding rage, Otis picked up his pace.

''Stop!'' Otis's sword was about to cut into Darryl when Lillian interfered and rebuked hiill, ''That's enough, okay?''

When he realized that Lillian was upset, Otis and the others stopped instantly, not daring to provoke her  further. Otis could not seeill to let it slip and asked, ''Leader, what happened?'' The two of them were taken by Earle and his gang, yet only two of theill returned in the same type of outfit madef roill animal skin. 

Irritated, Lillian replied iillpatiently, ''Mind your own business.''

Otis's face froze at the remark, and instead of retorting, he turned to glare at Darryl.

'F*ck! This has to be this scuni's fault,' he concluded inwardly.

Their previous adventure had Lillian feeling far too exhausted and frustrated to continue on their journey, and hence, she ordered the others to find somewhere safe to set up camp for the night.

At night, Darryl laid on the grass and pondered. He planned on making another atternpt at convincing Lillian and her men to leave the area first thing the next day, and if they insisted on moving forward, he sirnply had to let them go. Suddenly, he heard Otis and a few other rnen whispered to one another. Darryl sat up hurriedly and sobered as he tried to listen to what they were sayi• ng.

''F*ck! That scurn, Darren, must have done something to upset our leader.''

''I just want to punch him in the face every tirne I see hirn. Vice Leader, what do you say we do?''

''Let's put poison into his meal tornorrow rnorning. That ought to help us get rid of him once and for all.''

Otis and the others kept their voices at the bare rninimurn as they discussed it, but Darryl, in his rank of power, was sirnply far too sensitive to his surroundings and had no trouble catching every single word they said.

'Who knew that Otis could be vicious to the extent of plotting to poison me. Fine then, if it's a garne you want, then it's agarne you will get,' Darryl thought as a sneer ernerged on his face. Then he went back to sleep until before dawn when Otis and the others were all sound asleep. He strolled toward thern and began to inspect their bags thoroughly.

Finally, he managed to find a small flask for

Otis. A mysterious srnile appeared on Darryl's lips as he looked at the flask.

The next morning, Otis and the others sneered once they woke up to find Darryl still sound asleep. Two niembers threw a black pill into Darryl's water bottle under Otis's instruction, and once that was done, they strolled off, pretending that nothing had happened. They began to start a fire to roast the animal nieat they had hunted along the way. Soon, their camp was filled with the niouth-watering aroma of barbequed meat. Otis and the others were visibly excited and started to drink the liquor they had brought with theni. It was not until they were halfway down the bottle when Otis seemed to have realized soniething and frowned thoughtfully.

'Soniething is off. I was fine earlier, but why am I starting to feel weak all of a sudden?


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