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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2486

Chapter 2486

Darryl grinned when he saw the expressions of Otis and the others. ''One should never intend to bring harm to others, but should always be alert to the harm others rnight do

to him.''

'That  scum dares  to act tough  in front  of us?' Otis thought as he glared at the man. He reached into his pocket hastily to search for the antidote. Otis had it all figured out. It did not matter how Darryl figured it out; they simply had to  take the  antidote  and teach him a lesson directly. After all, there was no point in playing innocent if the truth was already out. Once decided, Otis did not waste another second retrieving the antidote and handing it out to the other members. Each one of them took the antidote hurriedly. To Otis's surprise, not only did his situation not improve, but it worsened. All his strength was instantly drained from his body and, within a matter of seconds, none of them could stand up straight.

''What have you given us?'' Otis roared.

''Don't you even have a cure for your own poison? How pathetic,'' Darryl said as he looked down at the men with a sniile.

Indeed, Darryl had added sornething to the poison right before he put it into their drinks. It was easy for a talented Pill Refining Master to alter a pill as they had superb skills in 1I1edication.

Otis's eyes widened in surprise and frustration as he struggled to comprehend that the scum that hehad previously thought was useless could be so cunning.

On the other side of the camp, Lillian seemed to have finally realized that something was wrong and went over to them, only to find Otis and the others on the ground. Lillian frowned in confusion as she turned to look at Darryl. ''What is going on here? What did you do to them?'' The man in front of her seemed to become weirder by the  rninute. Not only was he familiar with the Valley of Death, but his behavior was simply as unpredictable as the weather.

Darryl sat leisurely as if he was not involved in the situation and said, ''I did not do anything to them. Ask them yourself if you want to know what happened.'' 

Lillian scowled and turned around to look at Otis and the others. Since he had no choice,

Otis explained the situation nervously.

''What?'' Lillian stornped her feet in frustration and scolded, ''Otis, you have gone too far.'' She might have thought

Darren was a repulsive man, but that did not mean he deserved to die from poison.

''Brother Darren, I was wrong, I was wrong...'' Otis was on the edge of a mental breakdown as he bowed and apologized to Darryl continuously. He felt weak as strength was drained from his body, and he knew that he would be beyond saving soon. On the other hand, Darryl pretended like he did not hear a thing at all despite his pleading.

''Leader, please plead mercy for us. I don't want to die,'' Otis pleaded helplessly to Lillian. Otis would not have asked for help from their leader if he was not out of options, but there was no cornprornise too great for him to stay alive.

Lillian gave him a death stare before she walked to stand before Darryl. 

''Darren, please spare them. They were only messing around. I'rn sure they did not intend to have you killed truly,'' she said gently. 

''I was lucky to have found out about that in time. Otherwise, it would have been rne collapsed on the ground right now,'' Darryl responded emotionlessly. ''Why should I help them when they want me dead?'' 


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