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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 3415

Chapter 3415

Dennis' face turned as red as a tomato. He stuck his neck out and said in a trembling voice, "Of...of course not!" However, his forehead was utterly covered in sweat.

Meanwhile, Angela's slight frame was also trembling, and her exquisite face had paled. Her previous anticipation of seeing a dragon had been replaced with shock and fear.

"What should we do, Dennis?" she asked as she grabbed his sleeves.

"I—" Dennis' mind went blank with panic. "I don't know."

Darryl laughed to himself. "Young Master Dennis, I heard that all dragons are evil. It'll be hard for all of US to come out of this alive now that it has seen US. why don't you and your men try to stall him while I bring Princess Angeline to safety?"

Dennis nearly jumped when he heard that, 'stall the dragon? He must be joking! No matter how strong my men are, they'll never survive in a fight against a dragon!'

"Run! Run for your lives!" Dennis shouted and shot down the mountain like a rabbit, with ten of his men quickly following him.

He had decided his life was more important than Angeline's safety. Finally, they blinked out of Darryl's and Angeline's vision.

"You—" Angeline stomped her feet on the ground. She never expected Dennis, who had swore to protect her, would desert her like that.

"You see, Princess Angeline, you'll only find out who you should trust at the most critical times," Darryl said with a gentle smile. 'D*mn you, Darren. You say that now? Of all times?' Angeline thought, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"What should we do? will the dragon eat US?" she asked while sneaking glances at the dragon with panicked eyes.

Since Angeline was about to cry, Darryl said gently, "Don't worry." Then he waved at the dragon and said, "We're only passing by.

We've no intention to trespass. Please let US go." He activated the beast taming loop to order the dragon to leave.

"Master!" the dragon said when he received the order. "I'll leave then." He unfolded his wings and flew a thousand miles up the air. He disappeared from Darryl's and Angeline's vision in the blink of an eye.

Angeline's mind was buzzing with the incredulity of it all. Why did the dragon not attack them? Did Darren really speak to the dragon?

It took her ten seconds to snap back to her senses. "Darren, did you talk to the dragon just now, and it understood you?" she asked him with a face full of curiosity.

Darryl nodded. "Yes, I know a bit of the beast's language." There was no way he would tell her about how he had subdued the dragon.


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