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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 3503

Chapter 3503

All kinds of commotion broke out after the announcement. How did things end up like that? The position of mayor should have gone to Donnie as he was the head of the family, after all! why did it go to Miss Lolita?

Donnie was struck dumb. His mind was filled with the sound of buzzing. 'That can't be happening. Lolita, a mayor?'

Grady was similarly struck dumb. He stared at the Golden Lion Paladin in confusion, willing himself to think he had heard wrongly. Things did not go according to his plan! His puppet, Donnie, should have been the Mayor! No, it could not be Lolita!

As for Lolita, who was standing next to Darryl, she was still trying to understand the whole situation, she had to pinch herself to make sure she was not dreaming. The Golden Lion Paladin walked forward and put the appointment letter in her hand and politely said, "Miss Lolita, as the Mayor, I hope you will serve the citizens of Pearl City well."

Lolita answered him in an affirmative tone and accepted the appointment letter. If she were honest, she was still a little dazed by the turn of the event.

“Congratulations, Lolita! I'm sure you'll be the best Mayor that Pearl City ever had!" Darryl said with a smile. Yes, he had a hand in appointing Lolita as the Mayor.

"Darryl, how did that happen? Did you know about this?" Lolita asked with lost and confused eyes.

Darryl smiled and swept his gaze around the guests before answering slowly, "We can save the questions for later. We have more important things to deal with right now, and that is avenging your grandfather's death!"

Then, he turned to face Grady and said, "Grady, I'm giving you one last chance to tell everyone the truth of how you killed old Master Damien."

Grady, who was still in shock, became angry when he heard what Darryl said. "How dare you pass the blame to me? I had nothing to do with Old Master Damien's death!"

Then to Lolita, he said, "Lolita, don't believe his words. He's a loser. He—" He did not get to finish his sentence because the Pegasus Paladin had slapped him heavily on the face. The force was so heavy that his face immediately swelled. He spun around a few times before collapsing on the floor.

Everyone was instantly rendered speechless. Grady looked at the Pegasus Paladin with a confused expression. He felt wronged and afraid. "Your Excellency, have I done something wrong?"


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